TECFA: TEChnologies de Formation et Apprentissage
TECFA is an academic unit active in the field of educational
technology. It belongs to the School of Psychology and Education
("Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education) of the
University of Geneva. It is directed by Professor Patrick Mendelsohn
and includes about 12 collaborators. TECFA's research covers a large
area of interests, including: cognitive issues in learning technology,
applications of articifial intelligence to education, cognitive
effects of educational software, computer mediated communication and
information systems in education, multimedia courseware, and distance
education. Since Fall 1994 TECFA offers a postgraduate diploma (DES)
in educational technology ("Sciences et Technologies de
l'Apprentissage et de la Formation").
EVENTS (future, present & past)
- EuroAIED European Conference on AI in Eductaion. (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 30 -> October 2, 1996)
- LHM TF5 Workshop 96 ESF program "learning in humans and machines". Workshop of task force 5 - on collaborative learning (Samoens, F, February 1996)
- LHM TF5 Workshop 95 ESF program "learning in humans and machines". Workshop of task force 5 - on collaborative learning (joint with task force 4 -on stittuated cognition) (Aix en Provence, F, September 1995)
- EARLI 95 conference SIG 5 Symposium "Analizing learner-computer interaction: lessons from empricial studies". (Nijmegen, NL, August 1995)
Lists of publications and the publications themselves are available through "Activities Report", Individual Home pages or Specific research projects
(to be developped in July 1995)
FRIENDS & COLLEAGUES in related fields
Collected information on...
GOTO: TECFA Home page - TECFA internal home page.
ObJoke: Teacher = TECnology FAcilitator ....
For more information, call or write for Pierre Dillenbourg