About Jim Croft
First full-time job in 1973 was as a botanist with the Papua New Guinea
Department of Forests at the PNG National Herbarium
picture) and Botanic Gardens
picture) in Lae. In 1988 took up position as Curator of the Herbarium at
the Australian
National Botanic Gardens in Canberra. Then Director of the
Section of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Gardens, part of
the Australian Nature Conservation Agency
(ANCA) and then Deputy Director of the Centre for
Plant Biodiversity Research. Now Director rresponsible for Botanic
Information Services at the Australian National Botanic Gardens and the
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research.
The Botany Section is responsible for:
- the herbarium (CBG) of the Gardens
- the research programs of the Gardens
- the botanical information services of the Gardens
Herbarium of the Australian National Botanic Gardens
Management of a large
of plants (more than 270 000) that includes the scientific voucher
specimens for the living collections of the Gardens.
Research at the Australian National Botanic Gardens
Research at the ANBG focuses on Australian and related plants. Primary
research interest is on biological information systems associated with
biodiversity and bioinformatics and automation in the museum enviroment.
Australian National Botanic Gardens Network Information Services
Responsible for the scientific information services of the ANBG which
includes the:
Other Activities
- Development of set of standards for transfer of data between
Australian herbaria
- Herbarium information standards and Protocols for the Interchange of Data)
- Participant in the activities of the
Organization for Plant Information (IOPI)
- Participant in the activities of the International Working Group of
Taxonomic Databases for the Plant Sciences (TDWG)
Lists subscription
- BIODIV-L - biodiversity listserver
- BIOSPH-L - biopsphere listserver
- CLASS-L - classification listserver
- CONSBIO - conservation biology listserver
- CONSDIST - materials conservation distribution digest
- CONSLINK - conservation link
- CP - carnivourous plants listserver
- DARWIN-L - historical sciences listserver
- GARDENS - gardens listserver
- GO4LIB - library gopher listserver
- HORT-L - horticulture listserver
- INTERPEDIA-L - Interpedia listserver
- IOPI - International Organization for Plant Information
- MGARDEN - Master Gardener listserver
- MUSEUM-L - museums listserver
- NEWNIR-L - New network information resources listserver
- NHCOLL-L - Natural history collections listserver
- NISO-L - National Internet Standards Organization listserver
- PACS-L - Public Access Computer Systems listserver
- PADDLE-COMP - Competetive paddling listserver
- PLANT-TAXONOMY - Plant Taxonomy listserver (UK)
- PTO - Plant Taxonomists On-line
- TAXACOM - taxonomic computing listserver
- TEI-L - Text Encoding Initiative listserver
- UNICODE - Unicode listserver
- UNITE - unified application interface listserver
- WAIS-DISCUSSION - Wide Area Information Systems digest
- WAVE~LENGTH - Sea Kayaking listserver
- WOMBAT - AARNet listserver
- photocopiers that jam or run out of laminar wood-pulp
- fax machines of any persuasion
- information and ideas condemned to wood-pulp media
- PCs, Macs, MSDOS, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, TCP/IP, Novell, Unix,
VMS, word-processors and people who argue about their relative merits,
non-relational databases, relational databases, non-databases,
non-relationships, *GA (CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA etc.), mega* (megabytes,
megaherz, megaflops, etc), X* (X11, X25, X400, X500, X-terminals,
Xproduct-name, etc.), ISO, OSI, ANSI, ASCII, SCSI, FDDI,
VT* (VT100, VT220, etc.), 'informationsuperhyway' cliches and hype. Not
necessarily in that order.
The usual. Especially single malts from the Scottish Isles and good
music well played.
Things I do from time to time
Contact details:
Jim Croft
- Australian
National Botanic Gardens
- G.P.O. Box 1777
- Canberra
- ACT 2601
- Australia
- Email: jrc@anbg.gov.au
- Phone: +61-6-2509 590
- Fax: +61-6-2509 599
Updated Tuesday, 07-Nov-95 07:42:43 EST,
Jim Croft