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ANCA and ANBG Libraries

Libraries of the Australian Nature Conservation Agency and the Australian National Botanic Gardens

In Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, it is Sunday, 10-Mar-96 15:18:23 EST

This directory contains files, information about and from the libraries of the Australian Nature Conservation Agency (ANCA) and the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG). It also contains links to other library gophers, both locally and internationally and other network information.

ANCA and ANBG gopher library services

Other Libraries

Hytelnet WWW Gateways

Gateways to the HYTELNET library information services

Interesting OPACS on WWW

Network and on-line journals and serials


Questions, help, finding information?

Other library information

Other Publications on the WWW

Internet Exhibitions

A range of interesting exhibitions are available on the internet through WWW and gopher servers.


Updated Thursday, 04-May-95 07:40:05 EST, Jim Croft (jrc@anbg.gov.au)

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