hide random home http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/INDEX.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)


Author: J. Bollen, F. Heylighen,
Date : Sep 16, 1995 (modified); March 18, 1994 (created)
Parent Node(s):

Searchable Index

Title search

This searchable index contains all titles of documents available on the Principia Cybernetica Web, which provides information on cybernetics, systems theory, evolution, philosophy and related topics. It does not provide information on other topics, such as erotics, geography or politics. You can try other Web search engines for that.

(if your browser does not support this, then use the index without forms)

The index includes normal PCP-nodes, "primitive concepts", definitions from the Glossary on Cybernetics and Systems Theory, files available in our FTP-archive, and the related Internet resources.


You can enter any string of letters separated by spaces. The search is case-independent. For example, entering 'systems theo' will return all documents that have both strings of letters, in that very order, in their title: e.g. 'What is Systems Theory?' and 'Metasystems theory', but not 'theory of systems'.

It is possible to combine several keywords into boolean expressions using 'and', 'or', 'not' and brackets '( )' as logical connectives. E.g., all the above titles would be found by typing 'systems and theo'. Another example: if you want to search for a document with the word 'cybernetics' in its title but NOT the words 'evolution' or 'theory', then enter the following expression in the search field:

Cybernetics and not (evolution or theory)

Searching on boolean expressions is much slower than searching on space separated strings, so use it sparingly.

Full-text search

If your title search does not produce any results, you may try the full-text search:
This searches through the text (not titles or other fields) of all nodes in the Principia Cybernetica Web. It does not include the "primitive concepts", the Glossary, or the files from our FTP-archive.


Full-text search will accept words without the ending characters, but not without initial characters. E.g. 'system' will find "systemic", and "Systems", but not "metasystem". It does not accept Boolean combinations. Spaces between words will be interpreted as an implied "and", so 'systems theory' will find all nodes that have both "systems" and "theory" in their text (perhaps many lines apart). If you enter common strings, such as 'system' or 'cyber', the search will automatically stop after 300 hits.

Mailing list search

There is also an archive search available for the messages of our PRNCYB-L mailing list with discussions on PCP related topics.

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