HyperDOC logo: computer screen and open book that resemble NLM building complex (drawing, 4-bit color, GIF89 format, 97 pixels high, 525 pixels wide, 2668 bytes)

What's Up, HyperDOC? (What's New)

HyperDOC is undergoing continual growth and improvement. We note here only major changes in the system and its offerings...

July 1995

18 July:
The University of Maryland releases the alpha version of an exciting new data browsing and retrieval tool for the NLM's Visible Project, the Visible Human Explorer.
14 July:
HyperDOC's entry document now includes a demonstration of the audio capabilities of Sun Microsystems' HotJava browser (this will not be apparent on other WWW clients).
10 July:
A new photographic exhibit appears: Images from the History of the Public Health Service. (1994)
6 July:
A new report entitled: Making a Powerful Connection: The Health of the Public and the National Information Infrastructure is available on the NLM Gopher server (also in WordPerfect format).

June 1995

1 June:
The NLM Webinfo usage statistics system goes online.

May 1995

2 May:
The Lister Hill Center's Communications Engineering Branch (CEB) makes its WWW server available via HyperDOC. The CEB focuses on R&D in image engineering: the capture, storage, processing, online retrieval, transmission and display of biomedical documents (mainly journals) and medical imagery. Their WWW site contains limited data repositories of the NHANES cervical and lumbar spine radiographs and journal articles from MMWR. Other items include articles written by CEB staff and project descriptions.

April 1995

11-13 April:
NLM participates in the Third International World-Wide Web Conference (Darmstadt) with its MBONE remote conference site; HyperDOC accepts registration requests over the Internet.
3 April:
HyperDOC moves to new and faster hardware, under a new operating system.

October 1994

10 October:
The U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) announces an exciting addition to its collection of hypertext/multimedia exhibits: PEREZ ON MEDICINE: The Whimsical Art of Jose S. Perez is a collection of 29 oil paintings, with commentary, satirizing various aspects of modern medicine. The Perez exhibit was one of the most popular exhibits ever mounted at the NLM. Perez' paintings are so rich in humorous detail that NLM added two mechanisms to view details: the viewer can retrieve pre-selected details, or interact with the exhibit to specify a rectangular area of a canvas that is enlarged "on-the-fly" and returned for viewing.

May 1994

1 May:
A completely revised HyperDOC is turned loose on the world:

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NLM HyperDOC / What's Up, HyperDOC? (What's New) / May 1994