Daimler-Benz News from April 12, 1995

At a glance

1994 Financial year

Sales Revenue (in DM billion)104.198.5
Operating profit (in DM billion)2.71- 3.3
Net income (in DM billion)895615
Net profit/loss in accordance with U.S. GAAP (in DM billion)1.05- 1.8
Earnings/loss per share in DM (U.S. GAAP)21.35- 39.47
Dividend per share (in DM)11.007.91*
*Adjusted to take account of 1994 increase in capital stock

"We are satisfied with our performance in the 1994 financial year", states Edzard Reuter, Chairman of Daimler-Benz, in the company's Annual Report published today. Plans to introduce new products, to streamline and rationalize processes and to further develop the international profile of the group were put into effect with positive results, matched by a return to profit. This was against a background of continuing weakness of key currencies against the Deutschmark which made 1994 a far from easy year.

Group sales revenue increased in 1994 to DM 104.1 billion, 7 % up on the comparably calculated figure for the previous year. Revenues from the European Union rose by 4 % to DM 59.9 billion, business in Germany by 3 % to DM 39 billion. Daimler-Benz posted an above-average rise of 13 % to DM 18.3 billion in the USA and of 11 % to DM 25.9 billion in the other markets. Excluding inter-group business, Mercedes-Benz contributed 66 %, AEG Daimler-Benz Industrie 10 %, Daimler-Benz Aerospace 16 % and debis 8 % to consolidated revenues.

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