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Information on topics covered previously can be found in the Annual index
Read all about the new E-class in the
Other topics covered include:
cover story of the latest issue (3/95)
Information security Traffic management in the STORM Project The MOMS satellite camera Airport technology Plastic recycling Daimler-Benz in the USA: Siliconix HighTechPortrait: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schürmann Mosaic
The E-class:
Innovation in the New MercedesDaimler-Benz researchers create new record Cd value. Their achievement, which owed much to an ingenious use of a wind tunnel and a water tank is one of the stories featured in the latest issue of the Daimler-Benz HighTechReport. Safety and the environment are other topics receiving close scrutiny in the first article of the cover story entitled
Test Dive the E-class. (687 KB)The second section of the cover story reports on electronics and sensory systems. Examples here include the new Electronic Stability Program (ESP). Then there's also the rain sensor that measures how wet the windscreen is - and controls the wiper speed accordingly:
ESP Takes to the Road. (590 KB)One of the main aims was the realization of error-free series production. Just how this almost impossible goal was achieved is described in the third of the title story features:
A Car Is Born. (408 KB)Finally, Dr. Dieter Zetsche, the Head of Development, is interviewed on the new E-class and how he sees its future:
"We're Still a Very Long Way from the Ideal Car". (513 KB)Other topics:
Editorial by Jürgen Hubbert, member of the board of Mercedes-Benz AG responsible for the business area Passenger Cars (92 KB)HighTechPhoto: "No Escape for Oil Polluters" (159 KB)
Information Security: "Giving Data Protection a Bit of Byte," including an interview with Prof. Lewis M. Branscomb: "What We Need is Secure Commerce at Light Speed" (644 KB)
Traffic Management: Riders on the STORM (519 KB)
Information on the Move: Interview with Dr. Peter Zimmermann (519 KB)
Satellite Camera Moms: Daimler's 3-D Eye in the Sky (394 KB)
Airport Technology: The Frankfurt Connection. AEG baggage handling at Frankfurt airport (389 KB)
Recycling: Ulm's Green Foam Pulverizer (239 KB)
Daimler-Benz in the USA - Processor Power (508 KB)
"Chips on the Go": Interview with King Owyang (508 KB)
HighTechPortrait - A Formula Changed My Life: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schürmann (241 KB)
Mosaic (1.1 MB)
Astronomy: The Largest Telescope in the World
Alternative Drives: Hydrogen Bus
Book Tip: AEG Electrocom
Multimedia: CD ROM with Lions
Space: Destination Titan
New Van: Sprinter Ready for the Start
Avionics: Guiding the High Flyers
Train Simulator: Rolling Down Virtual Rails
Mexico: New Temic Plant
EMC: Compatible Helicopter
Outsourcing: MBtech
Catalytic Converters: Preheating
Internet: Daimler-Benz
Safety I: Environmentally-friendly Airbag
Safety II: Seat Sensors
Letters to the EditorGuest Column - Lothar Späth: "Still an Attractive Location?" (116 KB)
Preview/Service/Imprint (197 KB)
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