This page contains arts information and other important sources that are not necessarily connected to the visual arts. New additions to the arts research performed by The Art Gallery are added to this page before being placed into their respective categories. Last updated March 30, 1995
- HypergardenThe Hypergarden is a series of linked images of 3-D models of garden spaces that are based on fractals, actual gardens and art historical sources. It is a WWW installations of virtual garden spaces.
- ArtFBIArtists for a Better Image.. a non profit organization studying stereotypes of artists in the media.(gopher).
- Soft Daynew arts and media site in Ireland, which aims to allow Internet Access to Irish arts and artists.
- System Zeroan unusual site for art/literature.
- "CRS4 is pleased to announce a new "Animation Gallery" page,
where all MPEG animations are grouped by category and shown as a matrix of icons. New animations are easily identified.
- The Interactive Media Festival
- Film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands
- The All Arts and Science Camp
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)Gopher server, see WWW server as next entry.
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)General Information and more resources. WWW server.
- Museum Computer NetworkInformation about the association and calendar of events and more.
- Saskia Images and new additions
- Angels in Los Angeles Photographic Art .. analog ... multi-exposure.
- Vietnamese Art and monuments
- DDS Kunst, Media en CultuurEuroprobe An interesting server with links to many art sites and projects, mostly in Dutch.
- The PlaceThe place is a site with an experiment on how contemporary artists can create electronic artworks for distribution in a virtual community.
- African Art: Aesthetics and Meaning
- Latin American Art
- Dogwood Art's Festival
- Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture, server residing in The Netherlands
- Public Domain Inc.organization that is exploring the interface between art and technology.
- The Web's Edge
- Access Artnew service created by Global Access Inc.
- Kyushu Institute of Design, Kyushu, JAPAN
- ArtsEdge Information Gallerygreat artseducational resource, gopher.
- Visual ArtSearchable index for computer images and art (scanned photographs.
- Art in the Age of Digital Disseminationclass essays from a Fine Arts Course taught at The Univeristy of Victoria B.C. Canada, no images.
- Art to the EnthVirtual Photography/PHS Colograms with a large collection of images including sculpture, painting, etc.
- Art and Architecturearts resources and links to other sites, some links do not work.
- Nanyang Artists in Pariscurrently out of order.
- Collection of Salvador Dali Imagessmall database of works by the famous Spanish surrealist.
- Diva Arts ProjectInteresting site presenting modern Australian Art, Architecture and Aboriginal art as well as links to other useful resources..
- Palladio Image ArchiveImage archive and architectural slides.
- Prints and Printmakinghistory of printmaking, general information.
- Austin, Texas Music Sceneinformation about the music scene including some historical information as well.
- Mailed Art '94international network of artists communication by sending art to each other, image catalogue under construction.
- Music Pagesgreat information about all types of music.
- Film and Video Resources on the Internetguide to resources found on the internet, reviews, discussions, searchable database.
- Animations Index
- Cinema Space
- Opera Schedule ServerInformation about programs of different opera companies worldwide with searchable database.
- Boogles's Collection of Random Art Collection of images and art that was found on the internet, modern art and some psychodelic images.
- Malt Liquor Mantras Words and linocuts by Charles Hancock.
- Strange Interactions paintings
- Through Lover's Eyes
- resource list - Berkeley Subway
- Beauty for Ashes
- Lovecraft Inspired Images
- CinemaSpace
- The Art Metal Project
- The Anecdote
- The ArtNet
- ChainArt Project.
- International Teletimes
- Internet Photo Contest
- New World Headquarters
- Generality
- Ranjit's Playground
- The International Symposium on Electronic Art 94, Helsinki, August
- Early instruments of the Institute of Physics of Naples
- Filter ArtA collection of strange imagery.
FineArt_Online Gopher Service -via- USA only at present.
- Kandinsky Image Archive
- Center of Design at RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
- University of Wisconsin at Madison AMANDA/ Strange Interactions Artwork Exhibition
- Kodak Photo CD Images
- Ukiyo-e, Floating World Images, Japanese Woodbock Prints
- Arts Wire Artist's Gopher
- Film and Video Resources on the Internet
- Minnesota Center for Art Education
- Mississippi State Fine Art Forum Online
- Architectural Images
- Architecture Overview of the Mediterranean Basin
- Greek Architecture
- Academy of Arts Theatre - Hawaii, USA
- University of California Berkeley, California Performances
- The Arts in Chicago
- Echo Cultural Resources
- Houston, Texas Arts Information