Arts Publications
The arts publications mentioned in this list are by no means complete and are presently updated. New resources are added to the top of the page. Last modified
April 15, 1995.
- Asian ArtsA site dedicated to the furthering of Asian arts and literature.
- The American Arts AllianceThe mission of the American Arts Alliance is to be the principal advocate for America's
professional nonprofit arts organizations and their publics in representing arts interests and
advancing arts support before Congress and other branches of the Federal government. To
achieve this mission, the Alliance will inform legislators and policy makers of the vital role of the
arts in American society, and advocate the development of national policies which recognize,
enhance and foster the contributions that the arts make to America.
- An International Collaborative WWW-based Art Project
- < AHREF="">The Siemens Forum located in Munich Germany can be visited via this address. The Forum is a place to get in a dialogue with the Siemens Company.
- Virtual MirrorNew article on museums and the Internet.
- art mailing lists
- firehorse , new way of publsihing
- the green Cart magazine Home Page
- The Virtual MirrorWill soon include an article on museums and the internet.
- ArtFBIArtists for a Better Image, a non profit organization studying stereotypes of artists in the media.
- Meanderings - An African American Journal of Politics, Art and Culture
- The Art DEADLINES List
- CRITIQUEThe Reviewer's Choice. A project geared towards showcasing undisocovered talent in the Arts.
- Electronic Culture and
training of the 21st Century Artist
- Kultura monthly magazine for debate, literature, art, film, music, comics -- and Cyberspace.
- Paper on Arts On the Internetby Margaret L. McLaughlin.
- Mediamatic MagazineLocated in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Dates for Exhibitions, CompetitionsThis is a very interesting collection of upcomming exhibitions and conferences and comptetions created by Fine Media in Germany announcing all important information.
- Movies in Berlin, GermanA weekly update of the database concerning movies and movie theaters in Berlin, Germany,
- Museums OnlineThis is a list of museums that have Internet addresses.
- The Fine Media Web Pages This great database offers information about current art events and is also offering the largest database in this field by networking with other publications.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education - JOB OPENINGS in Academe - Art galleries and museums
- Output Magazine (Design oriented)
- Postmodern Culture
- Rune:An MIT Journal of Arts and Letters
- International Teletimes
- ArtsEdge Information Gallery Great information resource for arts education, including many arts educational resources.
FineArt_Online Gopher Service -via- USA only at present.
- Architronic
- ART FBI - Art Gax
- Art Publications via The University of Minnesota, USA
- Art Com Magazine
- Leonardo
- Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
- Musicworks Magazine and Recordings
- Sounds Newsletter
- The Source (Rap/Hip-Hop Magazine)
- Stage Directions
- Wired
- Vibe Magzine