Dr. Oliver Obst

University & State Library Münster
Representative for Internet & Database Management
Subject Specialist for Chemistry
Associate Librarian of the Central Medical Library

[Deutsch] Die gleiche Information auf Deutsch

Publications and services:

Biographical Notes
* Introduction to the Internet for Medical Librarians (German)
* Inquiry: Medical Libraries and their clients (German)
*The impact of CD-ROM on medical libraries and their users
*Report of experience from the 4th EAHIL conference at Oslo, 1994
* Information paper of the Central Medical Library Münster (German)
* Seminar on Electronic Media and Information features in Medicine (German)
* An annotated Internet Reading List (German/English) [50Kb]
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You can reach me at:

      Telefon: +49 251 83 4004
      Fax:     +49 251 83 8398
      Post:    Dr. Oliver Obst
               ULB Münster
               Krummer Timpen 3-5
               D48043 Münster

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Maintainer: Dr. Oliver Obst (obsto@uni-muenster.de) 1.12.94