In order to address the needs of banks or bank subsidiaries with an investment banking focus and a strong private banking business db trader offers a fully integrated private banking extension to its core modules.
The three major areas are the Current Account Module, the Cash Window Functionality and the Customer Output Management. Of course, other realted functionaities for a Private Bank are fully avaialable, especialy the Credit Risk Module with its Global Linits facilities, the Money Market and Freign Exchange functions as well as all the Trade Entry and Trade Processing functions for all instruments covered by db trader.
The db trader Current Accounts Module together with the Account Master Files handles all the client account booking and maintenance functions.
The module encompasses the three basic areas of Account Administration, Account Inquiry and Customer Statements.
This function provides an overview of the account position and static data and all historical data associated with the account. For example, users are able to access information concerning the terms and conditions related to the account such as Settlement Frequency, Posting Fees, Interest Calculation Basis. Historical data items like Account Postings, and Fee Charges are also available here.
All transactions are booked via the Current Accounts module. A current account accepts debit and credit postings arising out of any type of transaction. Separate but linked accounts can be maintained in all currencies and all precious metals. Withdrawals / debits and transfers of funds are handled.
The module provides on-line, real-time positions. The module has the ability to display account information according to booking date and value date. Real time, on-line account movement data and account balance data is readily available.
Verification controls consistent with the "four eyes principal" are in place. Account access is controlled.
If an account is closed and later reopened, the system has the capability to reopen the account automatically with the previous account conditions (e.g., fee structures, while taking into consideration all updates and amendments made to the benchmark).
Interest calculation is automated. Fees are automatically calculated by value date (on-line) upon the closing of an account. At such time the system reads the balance file and determines whether there are suitable funds to cover the fees being charged.
The db trader Cash Window functionality is to support the essential teller transactions.
The following Cash Window business transactions are handled.
The customer's current accounts and credit limits are viewable on-line in order to verify sufficient funds for cash withdrawal and check encashment.
DB TRADER CUSTOMER CREDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT CSM40 041294 Customer Credit Limits SCR 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER: 40456 - AHTISAARI Global Limits: 125 CCY: USD Letter of Credits: 10,000,000 CCY: USD Current A/C Limit: 44,444,444 CCY: HKD Sub. Limits: CCY AMOUNT VALID UNTIL VERIFICATION STATUS ATS 5,555,555 10195 VERIFIED ARA 3,333,333 90194 VERIFIED DEM 20,000 90194 VERIFIED HKD 1,000,000 90194 VERIFIED JPY 222,222 90194 VERIFIED USD 100,000 90194 VERIFIED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Update 2/4/5-Paging 6-Credit Group 7-Guaranteed By 8-Delete 11-Tables 12-Assets & Liab 15-Hardcopy 16-Exit
Customer output, which can be produced in any language depending on a specific customer's preferences, includes a variety of types encompassing: Current Account Statements, Customer Portfolio Statements, Confirmations and Corporate Action letters.
The Multi-Language Facility of db trader Private Banking is fully table driven and highly customizable. The default installation covers six languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese).