(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
What is new at DBIS?
The icons highlight recent
changes to our WWW pages and expire after approximately one month.
See also What is new in IDOM-Web? and
What is new in the SME project? .
- 06-Jun-1995 SM: Introducing the DBIS Online Secretary.
- 06-Jun-1995 SM: New DBIS Shop pages.
- 30-May-1995 SM: Reorganisation of DBIS Internet Links.
- 19-May-1995 SSt: AMIS - Arbeitsgruppe
Moderne InformationsSysteme
- 24-Apr-1995 LG: New online papers:
[GGL+95] K. Geihs, H. Gründer, W. Lamersdorf, M. Merz, K. Müller, and A. Puder.
Systemunterstützung für offene verteilte Dienstemärkte.
In Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen: Neue Länder - Neue Netze - Neue Dienste, Informatik-Aktuell, pages 445-459. Springer-Verlag, 1995,
[MJML95a] K. Müller-Jones, M. Merz, and W. Lamersdorf.
Kooperationsanwendungen: Integrierte Vorgangskontrolle und
Dienstvermittlung in offenen verteilten Systemen.
(Accepted for publication, GI/SI Annual Meeting, Zurich, Sept.), 1995,
[MJML95b] K. Müller-Jones, M. Merz, and W. Lamersdorf.
The TRADEr: Integrating trading into DCE.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Open Distributed Processing (ICODP '95), Brisbane, Australia, February 1995.
- 17-Apr-1995 KMJ: Have a closer look at the TRADE Project Home Page.
- 12-Apr-1995 SM: Added direct access to the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Homepage from the IDOM-Web.
- 11-Apr-1995 FM: A note on
dynamic types in TL
- 05-Apr-1995 AG: New TooL pages.
- 24-MAR-1995 FM: Added initial versions of project descriptions
for the PolitIcon and the EU/CAN project.
- 24-MAR-1995 FM: Reorganized overview of our group's research and development.
- 24-MAR-1995 FM: Added description of Tycoon subprojects.
- 21-MAR-1995 FM: New Paper: Scaling Database Languages to
Higher-Order Distributed Programming.
- 21-MAR-1995 FM: Reorganized DBIS Publication List into sublists,
added Master's and PhD theses.
- 07-MAR-95 BM: Info-Seite zum Projektseminar Anatomie des Tycoon-Systems zur Datenbankprogrammierung im Sommersemester 1995.
- 07-MAR-95 BM: Die Texte aller DBIS-Veranstaltungen im Kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnes für das Sommersemester 1995.
- 24-FEB-1995 AG, FM: New Paper: Integrating Query and Program
Optimization Using Persistent CPS Representations.
- 20-Feb-1995 AR,AG:
Tycoon Libraries as link or copy
- 02-FEB-95 IH: The StarView -> Tycoon
Language Manual
- 01-FEB-95 BM: Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 1995
- 20-DEC-94 BM: Diplomarbeit Kodegenerierung für Programmiersprachen mit Persistenz, Polymorphie und Funktionen höherer Ordnung (Dezember '92)
- 13-DEC-94 GS: Started
Tycoon System Programmer's Guide
- 12-DEC-94 BM: Description of Martin Göllnitz' Studienarbeit: Client/Server-Programming in Tycoon.
- 07-Dec-94 SM: Map of Hamburg WWW Servers.
- 14-NOV-94 SM: Internet Sample Services.
- 10-NOV-94 SM: Generate new Online Documentation with LaTeX2HTML: Persistent Polymorphic Programming in Tycoon: An Introduction (FIDE2-Report).
- 08-NOV-94 SM: Statistical data on the IDOM WWW Server at Hamburg University.
- 07-NOV-94 BM: New way of preparing Mac documents for Mosaic:
Printing to portable Postscript files on the Mac.
- 3-NOV-94 BM: Slides of the Proseminar
Computer Science: Markets, Standards and Products) (in German)
- 1-NOV-94 US:
Tycoon PPP exercises
See also:
Sven Mü├čig, (14-dec-94). Your feedback is welcome.