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Information and Data on Open MEdia for NEtworks of USers IDOMENEUS, ESPRIT Network of Excellence, No. 6606

The IDOM network aims at coordinating and improving European efforts in the development of next-generation information environments which will be capable of maintaining and communicating a largely extended class of information on an open set of media.

About this Document

An overview and roadmap of IDOM-Web, an online service of IDOM targeting the European database and information retrieval community.

What is new in IDOM-Web?

A log of changes to the IDOM-Web documents. Look here for pointers to updated documents and new information resources.

Network Member Directory

A clickable map of Europe that gives an up-to-date list of IDOM's administrative servers, technical contributors, associate members and industrial advisory board. For each of the network members, address details, administrative, organizational, scientific and technical contributions, bibliographic references and curricula vitae of key researchers are provided.

IDOM Front Desk

Instructions and WWW-forms to get in contact with the IDOM network coordinator and the IDOM administrative servers (applications for IDOM funding, IDOM network membership, etc.).

IDOM Bulletin Board

A searchable calendar of conference and workshop events (including most DBWORLD announcements), as well as announcements of papers, research projects, address changes and other IDOM-related events.
You can also interactively announce your papers, calendar events etc.

Online Acronym and Standards Idomeneus Server

Online access to a database of acronyms relevant for databases, information retrieval and databases (MPEG, JPEG, MIME, ...). Several acronym explanations point to further internet resources (e.g. ISO).

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Goal of this IDOM-supported experiment is the improvement of the transfer of knowledge and technology in the area of Internet especially the World Wide Web between small and medium sized enterprises and european research instituts.

IDOM Technology Transfer Server

Bibliographies, test data collections, etc. maintained by Glasgow University (IDOM AS Technology Transfer).

Index to Multi-Media Information Sources

Maintained by the University of Geneva (IDOM TC) which also runs an Internet Font Browser.

ESPRIT Basic Research

You can obtain up-to-date information on the Esprit Basic Research Programme. The synopses provide online information on all the activities (summaries of Projects, Working Groups and Networks of Excellence) being launched as a result of the second (numbers 6017 to 7401) and third (numbers 8010 to 9251) call. There are several indices for a fast direct access to individual activity descriptions.

Databases and Information Systems

The DBIS home page at Hamburg University. This page provides an overview of our group, a list of our employees, a description of our current research themes and projects, our long-term resarch orientation and our position within Hamburg University. It also provides an direct access to the local library and to teaching and student projects at dbis.

DBPL / PPL Publication List

A BibTeX database with references related to database programming languages, persistent programming languages and polymorphic type systems.

Related Internet Information Services

Links to Internet information services that are related to the goals and work areas of IDOM.

The IDOM-Web server is operational since June 1993. Some of its services are supported by ESPRIT Basic Research.
Sven Mü├čig (12-apr-95). Your feedback is welcome.