(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
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Persistent Polymorphic Programming in Tycoon:
An Introduction
Florian Matthes Sven Müßig J.W. Schmidt
Universität Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln Straße 30
Hamburg, Germany
This text provides an introduction to Tycoon, an open persistent
polymorphic programming environment. The Tycoon language TL is based on
expressive and orthogonal naming, typing and binding concepts as they are
required, for example, in advanced data-intensive applications. The
characteristic language mechanisms of TL are first-class functions and
modules, parametric and subtype polymorphism extended to a fully
higher-order type system. Tycoon programs are statically typed but may
include explicit dynamic type variables which can be inspected at run-time.
The Tycoon system described in this paper was developed by Andreas
Gawecki, Bernd Mathiske, Florian Matthes and Rainer Müller. Section 13
of this text was written by Bernd Mathiske who also developed Tycoon's
external language bindings. The authors would also like to thank Claudia
Niederée, Gerald Schröder, Petra Münnix, Andreas Rudloff and Dominic
Juhász for their careful reviewing of this paper and numerous hints
which helped to improve the presentation of the material.