This edition of the BeOS User's Guide accompanies the BeOS Preview Release.
This guide teaches you the basics of working with the BeOS on a BeBox or a Power
Macintosh-compatible computer. It shows you how to work with the Be user
interface, how to use the Be applications, and how to connect your BeOS system
to a network or to the Internet.
The BeOS User's Guide is provided on-line in HTML format, so you
can read it in the BeOS using NetPositive. The BeOS User's Guide is also
available in Adobe Acrobat format, so you can read and print it in other
operating systems.
Note: The HTML edition of the BeOS User's Guide that shipped
on the DR8.2 BeOS for Power Mac CD suffered from a number of HTML
errors, which are corrected in the version available here.
This release of the BeOS User's Guide is also browsable via the Be web
site. It's divided into chapters, which you can reach by following the links
Installing and Reading the BeOS User's Guide in
the BeOS
If you're running the BeOS on a BeBox or a Power Macintosh and you are
connected to the Internet, follow these instructions to download, install,
and read the HTML edition of the BeOS User's Guide:
- Start the Terminal application by double-clicking its icon in the
/apps folder
- In the Terminal window, enter cd /boot/beos/documentation
- Enter ftp to connect to the Be ftp server
- At the ftp user prompt, enter anonymous
- At the ftp password prompt, simply press Return
- Enter cd /pub/docs/PR/UsersGuide
- Enter get to download the BeOS User's
Guide archive
- Enter quit to disconnect from the Be ftp server
- Enter unzip -o to uncompress the archive and extract the
HTML edition of the BeOS User's Guide from the archive (this installs or replaces
the BeOS User's Guide folder in the /beos/documentation folder)
- Enter rm to delete the archive file
- Choose Quit from Terminal's main menu
- Double-click the /documentation/User's Guide/00_contents.html file
to open the table of contents to the BeOS User's Guide
Downloading Versions of the BeOS User's Guide for Other
You can download an archive of the BeOS User's Guide,
last updated on July 14, 1997: