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National Amiga Specials 950619

Week of June 19th, 1995 (950619)

                 N E T W O R K I N G   P R O D U C T S
Commodore 2060 Arcnet Card........................................$89.95 *
 Link any number of Zorro II Amigas together with AmiTCP or Envoy
 to make a convienent LAN. (we use these here in the office)

P A R N E T   C A B L E S ........................................$15.00 *
 Link your 2 Amiga's together with this ever popular peer-to-peer
 networking package. Great for moving BIG files from machine to machine.

                   F E A T U R E D   P R O D U C T S
Eklipse Mouse (very nice feel)....................................$29.95 *
8372A Agnus.......................................................$59.95 *
Connect Your Amiga! (book)........................................$34.95 *
Arexx Cookbook (with 3 disks).....................................$49.95
MultiFace III i/o Card (2 serial, 1 parallel)....................$149.95 *
On The Ball v1.3 Personal Organizer...............................$49.95 *

                 R A M   A N D   H A R D - D R I V E S
Quantum Maverick 540 Megabyte SCSI-II, 14ms, 128k CACHE..........$299.95
Quantum Lightning 730 Megabyte SCSI-II, 11ms,  128k CACHE........$389.95
Quantum Maverick 540 Megabyte IDE, 14ms, 128k CACHE..............$284.95
Quantum Lightning 730 Megabyte IDE, 11ms, 128k CACHE.............$329.95
4 Megabyte, 72-pin SIMM, 70ns....................................$219.95
8 Megabyte, 72-pin SIMM, 70ns....................................$409.95
1 Megabyte, 30-pin SIMM, 70ns.....................................$65.00
4 Megabyte, 30-pin SIMM, 70ns....................................$194.95
44256 DRAM.........................................................$9.95

      U S E D   H A R D W A R E  -  3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
Anakin Research Easyl (2000/3000/4000)...........................$149.95 *
GVP DSS8+ (the transparent one)...................................$99.95 *
Neriki Magni Genlock (EXCELLENT quality genlocking device).......$499.95 *
AMax with 128k ROMs..............................................$119.95 *
Amiga 2500/020 with 7 Meg RAM, 2x 40Meg Hard-Drives, 1084S.......$795.00 *
X-Calibur (like Warp Engine 4028, uses existing 040 for 4000,used$629.95
Nucleus Personal Single Frame Controller.........................$359.95
GVP RAM/SCSI+ For Amiga 1200, with 68882-33MHz...................$169.95
SyQuest 88 Meg Catridges..........................................$79.95

* Denotes in stock or on it's way to us. All RAM is available next
  business day. Everything else, subject to demand is available next
  business day. 

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For our international customers, we are working on setting up wire

Ask for ordering details on the CyberStorm and CyberVision cards!
For information on the CyberVision and CyberStorm cards from Phase5,
check here.