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National Amiga Specials 950605

Week of June 5th, 1995 (950605)

                 N E T W O R K I N G   P R O D U C T S
Commodore 2060 Arcnet Cards (coming in this week).................$89.95
Hydra Ethernet Card (used).......................................$389.95

P A R N E T   C A B L E S.........................................$15.00
 Link your 2 Amiga's together with this ever popular peer-to-peer
 networking package. Great for moving BIG files from machine to machine.

                        A C C E L E R A T O R S
Cyberstorm 060 For Amiga 4000 (ask for details).................$1799.95
Fusion Forty 68040 For Amiga 2000 with 8 meg RAM (used).........$1149.95
X-Calibur (like Warp Engine 4028, uses existing 040 for 4000,used$629.95
Commodore 2630 68030 and 68882 at 25MHz with 4 Meg RAM (used)....$629.95
Cobra 28 for the 1200 68EC030-28MHz (no MMU), 0k.................$239.95
Mongoose 1200 68030-MHz, 68882-50MHz, and MMU, 0k................$489.95
Warp Engine 4033, 68040-33MHz for Amiga 4000....................$1729.95

                   F E A T U R E D   P R O D U C T S
Eklipse Mouse (very nice feel)....................................$29.95
8372A Agnus.......................................................$59.95
Awesome Animations CD.............................................$34.95
Space Shuttle CD..................................................$49.95
Music Workshop CD.................................................$49.95
Magic Illusions CD................................................$44.95
Aminet 4 CD.......................................................$34.95
Aminet 5 CD.......................................................$44.95
Connect Your Amiga! (book)........................................$32.95

      U S E D   H A R D W A R E  -  3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
CD32 with Chaos Engine and Brutal Sports Football................$249.95
Anakin Research Easyl (2000/3000/4000)...........................$149.95
GVP DSS8+ (the transparent one)...................................$99.95
Neriki Magni Genlock (EXCELLENT quality genlocking device).......$499.95
AMax with 128k ROMs..............................................$119.95
AMax II with 512k ROMs, Fuji 800k External Mac Floppy Drive......$179.95
Amiga 3000T-030, 2 Meg CHIP, 4 Meg FAST, 120 Meg Hard-Drive.....$1695.95
Amiga 2500/020 with 7 Meg RAM, 2x 40Meg Hard-Drives, 1084S.......$795.00
Comspec 2 Meg RAM Expander with 2 Meg for Amiga 1000.............$139.95
Retina Z2 with 2 Meg.............................................$529.95
The Clock from DKB. Add a clock to your 1200......................$24.95
Nucleus Personal Single Frame Controller.........................$359.95
GVP RAM/SCSI+ For Amiga 1200, with 68882-33MHz...................$169.95
GVP ioExtender (1 serial, 1 parallel port).......................$159.95
Rocgen Plus Genlock..............................................$239.95
Commodore 1084 Monitor...........................................$209.95
Commmdore 1084S Monitor..........................................$239.95
Commodore 2080 Monitor (high persistence, less flicker)..........$219.95
GVP Series II SCSI Interface, expandable to 8 meg with SIMMs.....$159.95

All applicable taxes and shipping must be added. Ask for our policies
and terms.

This list will be followed up tomorrow with current RAM and Hard-Drive