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National Amiga Specials 950627

Week of June 27th, 1995 (950627)

                   F E A T U R E D   P R O D U C T S
Micro R&D CD-ROM..................................................$34.95 *
 670 bitmapped fonts, 670 Postscript fonts, 670 CompuGraphic fonts,
 1200 EPS clipart images, 1800 B/W IFF clip are images
 Hard to pass up at such a cheap price!

World Construction Set...........................................$259.95
 An unbelievable competitor for VistaPro and Scenery Animator.
 Full information available on our WWW Catalog page. Or, just ask
 and we'll email it to you right away..

ImageFX 2.1......................................................$359.95
 The BEST image manipulation package available for the Amiga.
 Full information available on our WWW Catalog page. Or, just ask
 and we'll email it to you right away..

Eklipse Mouse (very nice feel)....................................$29.95 *
 Perfect for all your business and leisure applications.
 2 Year manufactures warranty, high quality microswitches,
 280dpi Resolution, free mouse mat, 1.7m cable length

Connect Your Amiga! (book)........................................$34.95 *
 Explore all the different possibilities of telecommunications
 and networking available for your Amiga. Extensively covers
 the internet and local area networking as well as BBSes and
 other forms of telecommunications.

MultiFace III i/o Card (2 serial, 1 parallel)....................$149.95 *
 Add 1 Parallel and 2 Serial Ports to any ZorroII capable Amiga.
 Fully compatible with parallel.device and serial.device
 Baud rates up to 115200! MIDI too!

On The Ball v1.3 Personal Organizer...............................$49.95 *
 Address book, Scheduler, Note pad, To-Do List

      U S E D   H A R D W A R E  -  3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
Anakin Research Easyl (2000/3000/4000)...........................$149.95 *
GVP DSS8+ (the transparent one)...................................$99.95 *
Neriki Magni Genlock (EXCELLENT quality genlocking device).......$499.95 *
AMax with 128k ROMs..............................................$119.95 *
Amiga 2500/020 with 7 Meg RAM, 2x 40Meg Hard-Drives, 1084S.......$795.00 *

                 N E T W O R K I N G   P R O D U C T S
Commodore 2060 Arcnet Card........................................$89.95 *
 Link any number of Zorro II Amigas together with AmiTCP or Envoy
 to make a convienent LAN. Comes with cable and 1 terminator.(No, not a T1000)

P A R N E T   C A B L E S ........................................$15.00 *
 Link your 2 Amiga's together with this ever popular peer-to-peer
 networking package. Great for moving BIG files from machine to machine.

We network at least 3 Amiga's at any one time here in the office with the
above mentioned products. If you have any questions, please, just ask!

* Denotes in stock or on it's way to us. Everything else, subject to
  demand is available next business day. 

All applicable taxes and shipping must be added. All prices in Canadian
dollars. Ask for our policies and terms.

I am thinking of manufacturing power supplies for CD32's. I have all
the parts available, I just need the demand. It would be along the
lines of the BigFoot CD32, not as pretty, but less than $100.
Is anyone interested?

Also, if you receive this list, have you also checked out our WWW page?
It contains a HUGE source of information on the Amiga products we carry,
and more is added every day.

Also new on our WWW page is Amiga Technical Information. We are adding
in tech specs, jumper definitions, and pin outs for just about everything
we have documentation on. Use it if you need it.