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Getting Started - Basic Concepts

Before you use your Amiga for the first time, there are a few things you need to know and do. These include:


The Amiga requires that you have a compatible monitor for first time boot up. Most monitors are compatible with the Amiga. but for first time use the monitor MUST be able to synch to 15 kHz. Many amiga models have a TV out-put built in that will allow you to use a TV as a monitor if needed. Once you have achived intial boot up, make the proper adjustments and choices of using the Screen Mode preferences program located in your preferences drawer. After this is done make a copy of yoru workbench disk with the changed settings so that you can use your system if the hard drive fails, or you damage your Workbench floppy disk. ( you should never make changes to your original Workbench disk). for more information on monitors please read the monitor guide.

If you wish to intereact with your amiga in any other language other then English, you must select your preferred language after you initially boot the system with the Locale preferences editor or following successful software installation. ( If you are making a fresh install, install all languages that you may need at that time.) However, if your language is not installed, you can install it at a later time.

Like with languages, you need to pick a keyboard layout for your Amiga if you wish to use something besides the American default. for a keyboard to be available in the Input preferences editors list, the keymap must be in the Devs/keymaps drawer. If the Keymap can not be found in there look in the Storage/keymap drawer and move it by dragging it into your devs/keymap drawer.

The System software comes preinstalled on most Amiga's equiped with preinstalled hard drives. In the event you are upgrading your current Amiga with a new hard drive, or had to reformat your current drive for some reason, you should know how to install the software. the following procedures describe the process of installing the system software onto your hard drive.

  1. Locate all of your system disks and place them somewhere handy.
  2. Find your Install Disk and insert it into DF0: or your main Floppy Disk Drive.
  3. Boot or Reboot your Amiga. ( Either Turn off and turn on or use the Ctrl+ Left Amiga and Right Amiga Key combination.
  4. using the mouse, move the pointer to the Install ICON and double click upon it. This will open a new window.
  5. Using the mouse, double click in this new window on the the drawer labled Install. A new window will open containing many Icons.
  6. Choose the Icon with the language you wish to use for installation. If you choose a language other than English the LOCALE disk will be needed, simply follow the requesters for inserting new disks when needed.
  7. The next screen will you to continue with the installation process. Either click proceed to continue or Abort to cancel the operation.
  8. Choose between installing the complete software release or updating languages only.
  9. Select an installation mode on the next screen. click the left mouse button once on the bitton to the left of your choice. Then choose the proceed button when you are done with each screen.
  10. The next three screens ask you which languages you wish to install. On every screen click once in the box next to each of the language, printer drivers, and keymaps you intend to use. Choose the proceed button when you are done with each selection to continue.
  11. The installer starts loading the software from the disks. Follow the instructions on the screen, inserting disks as requested.
  12. When the installation is complete, remove the floppy disk from the disk drive and select proceed to reboot your system or you can do this manually by using the Ctrl + left and right Amiga key combination.
  13. Upon reboot Use the Locale Preferences Editor in the Preferences drawer to change your default language if you intend to use one other then American.
  14. Choose a keymap/keyboard in the INPUT editor to select a default keyboard other then the USA keymap.
  15. At this time you may wish to change your defualt monitor as well by using the Screen Mode preferences editor.


Also before using your Amiga, you should familiarize yourself with the basic Amiga system concepts and techniques. These include:


Booting and Rebooting Your System

Booting powers on your computer and loads the operating system information from a disk to the computer's memory. Each time the Amiga is booted, the system must find the Amiga system software on a bootable hard disk or floppy disk inserted into a disk drive. If there are no bootable disks when the system is powered on, an animated screen requests that you insert a bootable disk into a floppy drive. Rebooting resets your computer without turning off the power. This process terminates any active programs and erases any data stored in the Amiga's memory.

Each time the Amiga is booted or rebooted, the following events occur:

  1. The Amiga executes a script file called the Startup-sequence. The
  2. Startup-sequence file contains AmigaDOS commands that load the Amiga software and handle various hardware and software setup tasks.
  3. The Startup-sequence executes a script file called User-startup, if you have created it. In general, User-startup files contain your own customized configurations, resident commands, and directory assignments. Appendix B offers some instructions and suggestions of items that you can place in a User-startup file
  4. The Amiga Workbench screen appears.
  5. Workbench runs any programs whose icons are in the WBStartup drawer. By placing program icons in the WBStartup drawer, you can also customize your system startup.

Do not alter the Startup-sequence file unless you know what you are doing, doing so can prevent the Amiga from booting properly. 

To reboot your system: 

  1. Be sure that all disk activity has stopped and that all floppy disk drive and hard disk drive lights are unlit.
  2. If you are rebooting from a floppy disk drive, insert a copy of the Workbench disk into a floppy disk drive.
  3. Simultaneously hold down the Ctrl (Control), left Amiga, and right Amiga keys and then release them.


Special Boot Options

Extra memory used for maintaining devices can prevent floppy-based games from running.


Using the Workbench Pointers

The Workbench has two pointers: the mouse pointer and the busy pointer.

Mouse Pointer

The mouse pointer is a small movable picture that is used to indicate to the system the location at which you wish to do some operation. By default the mouse pointer is an image of an arrow. The mouse pointer is moved and positioned with the mouse. The tip of the pointer has a hot spot, which is one pixel (a dot of light that makes up the monitor screen display) that the system is programmed to recognize as the pointer's locator. The pointer indicates to the system the position of an item that you wish to work with. Through the mouse, you communicate the action that the system should take on this item. You can change the shape and color of the mouse pointer using the Pointer Preferences editor.


Busy Pointer

The busy pointer, also referred to as the wait pointer, is displayed in place of the mouse pointer to indicate that the system is attempting to execute an instruction. By default the busy pointer is an image of a stopwatch. Most Workbench operations are unavailable while the busy pointer is displayed. However, you can still move, size, and depth-arrange windows with the busy pointer. The appearance of this pointer can also be changed using the Pointer Preferences editor.


Using the Mouse

The Amiga comes equipped with a mouse, used to communicate with the system through the pointer. The mouse pointer is positioned by moving the mouse. Manipulating the mouse so that the pointer is located over various objects and pictures on the screen and pressing the mouse buttons tells the Axniga what to do.


Holding the Mouse

Hold the mouse on a flat surface with the cable extending away from you so that the mouse box rests under the palm of your hand with the buttons under your fingertips. In this position, the left mouse button is the selection button and the right mouse button is the menu button.


Mouse Operations

When using the mouse:



Double Clicking

Holding Down



 Using the Selection Button

The left mouse button is the selection button, used for selecting items on the monitor display for processing. This button is also used to move, or drag, items on the screen.


Using the Menu Button

The right mouse button is the menu button, which is used to display the menu bar and menus and to choose items from them. Menu bars contain the headings of each menu available for a selected window, program, or icon. Menus contain lists of options for the operations that you can do with the selected item.


Using Menus

Menu bars appear across the top of the screen, containing any menu headings available. Hold down the menu button to display the menu bar. Hold down the menu button while pointing to the different menu headings to show the available items listed beneath each. To choose a particular item, move the pointer down and release the menu button when the pointer touches it. 

Some menu items have submenus, which are additional related options that appear to the right of the menu item when it is selected If a menu has submenus, select one of the submenu options. Choosing a main menu item without choosing one of its submenus has no effect. In addition to the sub-menu symbol, other symbols may appear on the menu:

The menu button can also be used to cancel operations being performed by the selection button, such as drag selection. 


Ghosted Menu Items 

If a menu item is not available for a particular operation, it is ghosted or displayed less distinctly than the others.  


Cancelling an Operation 

Cancel the operation being performed with the selection button by clicking the menu button while still holding down the selection button. The following operations can be cancelled:

 · Selecting · Dragging · Drag selection · Changing the size of a window


Using the Amiga Without a Mouse

All mouse actions can also be done using the keyboard. Certain key combinations allow use of the keyboard to move the pointer, select icons, and choose menu items. Keyboard shortcuts appear in the menu boxes to the right of some options. Holding down the right Amiga key and simultaneously pressing the letter displayed attains the same results as activating that menu option. Using the keyboard shortcuts instead of the menus speeds your work. For a full description of key functions, see the hardware manual for your Amiga model.


Using Disk Drives

Disk drives are devices from which information is retrieved or to which information is written or stored. An Amiga can have one or more hard disk drives, as well as floppy disk drives, depending on the model. All Amiga floppy disk drives can use low density floppy disks. However, if you have a high density floppy disk drive on your Amiga, you can also use high density floppy disks. Refer to the hardware manual that came with your system if you are not sure about the type of floppy disk drive you have.

Each disk drive has a device name, such as DFO: for the internal floppy drive. (Additional floppy drives are designated DFl:, DF2:, and DF3:.) A disk icon is displayed on the Workbench screen for each disk inserted in a drive and for each hard disk partition.

The device name and the volume name are two ways of identifying a given disk. For most purposes use either name to refer to the disk when entering a path or within a file requester. The device name refers to the disk that is in the specified disk drive. The volume name refers specifically to a particular disk. For example, if you have a floppy disk in device DFO: with a volume name of Mydisk, you can reference it as either DFO: or Mydisk:. Referencing the disk as Mydisk: lets you insert Mydisk into any drive, not only DFO:.

Each drive has an activity light that is lit when the device is in use, either reading or writing data.



Inserting Floppy Disks

The standard 3.5-inch floppy disk can be inserted only one way. Insert the disk into the disk drive with the label side facing up and the metal end with the indicator arrow entering first.

Using Floppy Disks

Floppy disks must be write-enabled and formatted before information can be written on them. To write-enable a floppy disk, turn the disk to its back side and push the plastic tab in the upper left corner down to cover the hole. Conversely, to write-protect a floppy disk, push the plastic tab up, uncovering the hole. 

The disk from which information is copied is referred to as the source disk (FROM disk). The disk to which the information is copied is referred to as the destination disk (TO disk). The source disk should always be write-protected to avoid accidental erasure. The destination disk can be a blank disk or a previously used disk whose contents are no longer needed. This disk must be write-enabled to accept the information from the source disk.


Using the Ram Disk 

The Ram Disk icon represents RAM:, an area of the Amiga's internal memory that is set up as a file storage device like a disk. Files, directories, and entire floppy disks (available memory permitting) can be copied to RAM: for temporary storage. The Ram Disk serves as a work area that the system can quickly access.

The size of RAM: is dynamic. It is never any larger than necessary to hold its contents. Therefore, it is always 100% full. Its maximum size is limited by the amount of free memory.

The primary advantage of RAM: is speed. Since it is electronic rather than mechanical, storage and retrieval are almost instantaneous. The disadvantage of RAM: is that data stored in RAM: does not survive when the computer is powered down or rebooted. You must save to floppy disk or to hard disk anything in the Ram Disk that you want to use again.

Applications commonly use RAM: to store temporary files created when the program runs or for backup files created when the program is exited. RAM: can also be used as storage for experimental script files, as a destination for testing command output, and when the creation of a file on an actual disk is too slow, risky, or inconvenient.

Be careful when using RAM: for storing important files. If the Amiga loses power, has a software failure, or you reboot, everything stored in RAM: is lost. Be sure when working with RAM: to regularly back up any important files onto disk.



Backup Disks

Backup disks ensure against a loss of data in the event of damage, corruption, or accidental erasure of the original disk. We recommend that you make backup copies of important disks and files, following the licensing agreements provided with your applications software. Making and distributing unlicensed copies of disks is a copyright violation known as software piracy. Store your original disks in a safe place and use your backup disks for everyday purposes. 


Managing Your Files 

The basic units of data management on your Amiga are files, directories, and drawers. Files are organized collections of data that are given a name and are stored on the system or on removable media. Files are contained in directories or drawers. Directories and drawers are the same thing-a subdivision in your Amiga's filing system that is used to organize files and other directories/drawers (subdirectories).

 Organizing Information on Disks 

Information should be stored on disk in a logical manner to allow easy access to your files. The Amiga Workbench organizes information into a hierarchical system of drawers. 

A drawer-a directory in AmigaDOS-is a container for items that are related. These items can be files and even other drawers. On any disk you can create multiple drawers containing multiple files, as available disk space allows. Workbench also allows the creation of drawers within drawers, subdrawers or subdirectories, for further file management. Create as many drawers and subdrawers on your disk as needed. 

A drawer icon is displayed in the disk window for each drawer created on a particular disk. Each drawer window contains the icons of the files and subdrawers that exist in it.


A path is a complete description of the location of a particular file on a disk. When a program requests the name of a file for retrieval, specify the file's path, including the volume or device name and all the drawers that lead to that file.

The method for specifying paths varies from program to program. Most programs use a file requester with a scrolling list, in which the disk name, any drawer names, and the file name are displayed. Click on the appropriate names to specify the path. However, for some programs you may have to type in the complete path name. To enter a complete path:

  • For a file that is not in a drawer, specify the file name after the colon following the disk name to complete the path.

  •  File and Drawer Names

    The following rules apply for naming files and drawers: 



    The Trashcan is a special drawer that can be placed on a disk for storing files that you no longer need and may wish to delete. Discard icons or pseudo-icons for the files to be deleted by dragging them into the Trashcan. If the icon to be discarded is a drawer, its associated files are also moved to the Trashcan.

    Choosing Empty Trash from the Icons menu deletes the icons and all of their associated files from the Trashcan. Before choosing Empty Trash, you can still recover any of the Trashcan's contents by opening its window and dragging the icons back out.
