(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
The PointerPreference Editor For editing and changing the size and color of the pointer.
Along with the Magnified view of pointer, viewing of the pointer agianst Workbench colors poritons of the editor window
wich stand out the most. the other features of this editor are as follows:
Pointer mode cycle gadget
Allows you to chose between busy and normal states for the pointer
The Test Gadget
This lets you test your new pointer with out leaving the editor
The Clear Gadget
Erases data in magnified window
The resolution Cycle gadget
Lets you choose between high res and low res pointers ( only available on AGA machines)
The Set Point Gadget
Allows you to choose where you want the point or hot spot of the pointer to be.
Save, Use and Cancel.
allows you to save your new pointer, use it till the next reboot, or just cancel the whole operation.