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Bug Number    Version Bug Status at Be         Short Description of Bug
----------    ------- ----------------         ------------------------
960906-134159 1.1d7.1 Fixed Bug                Minimizing windows is awkward
960908-161019 1.1d7.1 Unreproducible           atexit() function doesn't
960909-110340 1.1d7.1 Acknowledged Bug         B_OP_ERASE drawmode broken for DrawChar
960909-183409 1.1d7.1 Acknowledged Bug         BBitmap::SetBits is deranged!
960910-111609 1.1d7.1 Duplicate Bug            ls -B doesn't work
960910-111958 1.1d7.1 Fixed Bug                IconWorld sets the creator incorrectly
960910-112217 1.1d7.1 Acknowledged Feature     We want stats, and lots of 'em!
960910-112512 1.1d7.1 Fixed Bug                Disk performance isn't great
960911-060513 1.1d7.1 Acknowledged Feature     Browser Drag-N-Drop messages.
960911-122017 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Support for client side image maps
960912-120916 DR8     Fixed Bug                NetPositive crashes
960912-132016 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Password in EMail preferences remains plaintext
960912-144754 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     transparent drag images
960912-163255 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive does not Proxy service
960912-174137 DR8     Duplicate Bug            telnetd doesn't work from Mac NCSA Telnet 2.7b4
960912-175012 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Boot-up Be Logo sometimes partly off-screen
960912-211554 DR8     Declined Feature         Browser window minimum sizes don't batch "no-scroll" size.
960913-144636 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Lockups after a while
960913-145004 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Not far enough on the Menu color.
960913-225653 DR8     Duplicate Bug            CD Player confused by CD's with data tracks
960913-231207 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Bug in copying text from NetPositive
960913-231615 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         NetPositive crash when viewing HTML source
960913-232006 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Edit has wrong keyboard shortcut for Paste
960913-232407 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive doesn't save form state on "Back"
960913-232711 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Checkboxes look gray instead of black in DR8
960913-233401 DR8     Fixed Bug                getopt.h header bugs
960913-233850 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Trio64V  power-off-on video reset bug
960913-234317 DR8     Fixed Bug                PPP and mail passwords stored in cleartext (Security bug)
960913-234823 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Error while unmounting disk
960914-044210 DR8     Unreproducible           Cannot log into the Developers page at Be.
960914-143124 DR8     Fixed Bug                NetPositive doesn't encode form data correctly
960914-145848 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Sometimes keyboard/mouse frozen at boot
960914-150512 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     E-Mail needs "leave mail on server" option
960914-151102 DR8     Fixed Bug                Missing "host.conf" functionality
960914-151633 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Terminal confuses VMS
960914-152014 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         E-Mail status window confused when Sendmail not running
960914-152240 DR8     Unreproducible           Sent mail isn't saved in database
960914-162427 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Bash TAB-completion doesnt escape correctly
960914-162633 DR8     Fixed Bug                NP "Show HTML" missing horiz. scrollbar
960914-163310 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         NetPositive missing "Dither" menu option
960914-163608 DR8     Not a Bug                Strange entry box behavior for "Create" option in Browser
960914-164147 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive missing "Home" button
960914-164847 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         NetPositive doesn't support ISINDEX tag
960914-182610 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Undocumented debug mode in NetPositive
960914-183728 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         NetPositive handles file: URL's incorrectly
960914-184149 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         NetPositive handles file: URL's incorrectly
960914-184349 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive missing Save and Print
960914-184704 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive could cache common documents in database
960914-185252 DR8     Fixed Bug                Be-to-MIME type mapping for Be-Mail and others
960914-190440 Select  Duplicate Bug            BSerialPort::WaitForInput doesn't work.
960915-115304 DR8     Unreproducible           Serious table layout troubles in NetPositive
960915-120620 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Pressing Close button in debug window crashes program
960915-144856 DR8     Unreproducible           On Boot does not come up in 1280X1024
960915-145104 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     S3 Driver does not support 1024X768X16M or 1192X900x16M
960915-145509 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         dprint for driver debugger not found.
960915-154224 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Parallel port causes printer reset
960915-155140 DR8     Fixed Bug                NetPositive crashes when choosing file://directory
960915-163646 DR8     Fixed Bug                Be-Mail confused sending mail to myself
960915-164754 DR8     Fixed Bug                fgets() and gets() don't flush stdout first
960916-112038 DR8     Unreproducible           Gamekit bug...
960916-162900 DR8     Fixed Bug                Ethernet preference defaults to incorrect port/IRQ
960917-103516 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         BMessageFilters & B_KEY_DOWN broken
960917-172356 DR8     Unclassified             Drag'n'Drop: BBitmaps leave artifacts on B_BORDERED_WINDOWs
960917-181126 DR8     Duplicate Feature        NetPositive can't be used to download programs
960917-213828 DR8     Unreproducible           bash fd's don't get properly reassigned.
960918-113852 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Numbers in Erich font are different widths
960918-130927 DR8     Fixed Bug                MidiKit Class Latency
960918-201809 DR8     Not a Bug                B_SIMPLE_DATA message overloaded in browser
960919-071005 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     BeMail silently fails to deliver mail
960919-075821 DR8     Unclassified             DragMessage with BBitmap leaves artifact on all window types
960919-102147 1.1d7   Acknowledged Feature     API problem for get_system_info() etc
960919-133046 DR8     Unclassified             Follow-up info for bug 960919-075821
960919-202901 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive doesn't support password authentication
960919-205710 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive should have "plugin" API
960920-030830 DR8     Fixed Bug                keyboard navigation and hidden views
960920-053941 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Window discipline kills app_server
960920-054241 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Reboot after crash takes forever
960920-054433 DR8     Implemented Feature      Terminal doesn't wrap
960920-054607 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Terminal doesn't do fonts
960920-054933 DR8     Unreproducible           BeMail ate my mailbox
960920-055100 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     BeMail doesn't do fonts
960920-055208 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Terminal doesn't do font sizes
960920-055433 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Terminal doesn't do 80x34 sizes
960920-055925 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         No Browser, you're screwed
960920-060103 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     NetPositive doesn't reload
960920-060217 DR8     Implemented Feature      NetPositive doesn't do mystery files
960920-061025 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         PlaySound destroys WAV files
960920-061219 DR8     Duplicate Bug            NetPositive's URL field behaves strangely
960920-061949 DR8     Unreproducible           NetPositive's Open Location window doesn't
960920-062055 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         Save As... File panel text entry doesn't behave
960920-062245 DR8     Fixed Bug                IconWorld killed me (again)
960920-062336 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         make is unstoppable
960920-062427 DR8     Duplicate Bug            Edit doesn't act like an editor
960920-062536 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Be menu is "special"
960920-062655 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Be menu could be better
960920-062824 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Terminal's title bar isn't useful
960920-063026 DR8     Acknowledged Feature     Changing workspaces loses apps
960920-063155 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         The system ignores /dev/com3 and /dev/com4
960920-063316 DR8     Acknowledged Bug         The root directory is still weird
960920-063435 DR8     Implemented Feature      /dev still doesn't exist
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