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Preview Release BeWare
---Add-Ons: Saver
(Planned Audio)
(Planned Development)
(Planned Drivers)
(Planned Games)
(Planned Graphics)
(Planned Languages)
(Planned Libraries)
---Libraries: Datatypes
(Planned Miscellaneous)
(Planned Network)
(Planned Productivity)
(Planned Utilities)
(Planned Video)
Welcome to the BeWare catalog. This is
the central site where users can locate much of the
currently available software for the BeOS. Unlike many other software archive sites which are
centrally administered, the BeWare shareware/freeware
software catalog entries are maintained by developers themselves. Developers can add and modify their
applications in the Registered Developer Area (guidelines for uploading to the Be FTP site are also available). Both currently shipping and
planned applications can be listed in BeWare. If the information in the records isn't correct,
let them know!
BeWare is updated nightly; the latest additions can be found on the New BeWare page. A "What's New on the Be FTP Site" page has been set up, too, and includes code snippets which might not otherwise qualify as complete applications in BeWare.
BeWare Highlights
BeWare Highlights provides an in-depth look at selected BeOS applications. Screenshots and key
application information are provided.
The newest BeWare Highlight is BeNFS Server and Client, a Network File System Server and Client.
Past BeWare Highlights are Felix, a freeware IRC client with a Graphical User Interface, Sum-It, a spreadsheet application, XPlode, a utility which uncompresses files with one click in the Browser, Kftp, a freeware FTP client with a Graphical User Interface, and the Reggae Suite of write/paint/draw applications.
Looking for the most popular BeOS software? The Top 10 DR8 applications downloaded include:
- 3dmov -- This DR8 3D image manipulation demo which shows off some early DR9 3DKit features. It can warp a movie in real-time...
- Geb's Goodies -- Includes several utilities for choosing and setting file types & creators and viewing BMessages
- Innerstrike -- A Descent-style 3D game
- Kftp -- FTP client with a Graphical User Interface
- MBTN -- Usenet Newsreader
- Saver -- Screen Saver which accepts plug-in modules
- Setfile -- Add-on which sets the icon for applications
- Unzip -- Utility which unzips zipped files
- X-Files -- Utility which permits file transfers between MacOS and BeOS disks in the same machine
- XPlode -- Add-on which expands tar, zip, gzip, and other formats with a single right-click
The BeOS also comes with dozens of shell tools (like grep and awk ) built-in. They're documented
in the Be Shell Tools area.
Many functions which require extra applications on other operating systems come bundled with
the BeOS. For these we've assembled a separate area, complete with screenshots [Webmaster's Note: the screenshot area is currently being updated for the Preview Release; in the meantime, see the Tour of the Preview Release]; the applications include:
- WWW client and basic server (built-in PPP and Ethernet support, of course)
- FTP client and server
- Telnet client and server
- E-mail client
- basic image viewer
- basic sound player
- SCSI Probe
- Metrowerks CodeWarrior Lite (app size limited to <64 Kb)
- basic text editor
- shell/terminal application
- CD player
- MIDI player (requires user-supplied MIDI hardware)
- basic flight simulator, and a few more....