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Be Newsletter

Issue 68, April 9, 1997

Table of Contents

BE EVENTS: Be Developer Conference on May 10 and 11. Be Demo Tour in Santa Rosa and Berkeley Ca.


    If you're a developer for the Mac, UNIX, Amiga, Windows, BeOS, or any other platform and want to know more about the BeOS, please come to meet with us at our Be Developer Conference on May 10 and 11 in Santa Clara/San Jose, CA. For more information and to register, please visit our Web site: http://www.be.com/developers/may_dev_conf/index.html.


    BeOS demo at the North California Mac User Group general meeting in Santa Rosa, CA.


    BeOS demo and Jean-Louis Gassée keynote at MacFest 97, organized by the Berkeley Macintosh Users Group in Berkeley, CA.

    For more information about the Be Demo Tour, please visit: http://www.be.com/events/schedule/index.html.

BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: Synchronization in Device Drivers

By Rico Tudor

Of all execution environments, I find that of the device driver the most challenging. Hardware interrupts can cause guileless code to run in an unexpected order and variables to acquire contradictory values. In the case of the BeOS, concurrently running threads may join the fray, adding to the confusion. Meanwhile, the hardware must be stroked in complicated, often undocumented ways, while threads from user space clamor for attention.

It is through the synchronization services of the Kernel Kit and additional kernel calls that order and execution ordering are achieved. However, the utmost programmer care is required, for a few reasons. Firstly, the human mind deals poorly with parallel operations. Secondly, the consequences of logical error are difficult to debug. Thirdly, driver writers do not enjoy a luxurious development environment. And finally, many problems at this level are timing-dependent.

This article is itself a victim of a synchronization error. I was unaware that my good friend, Benoît Schillings, was writing an article titled "Fun with Semaphores." Having discovered this just today, and having already started my article, it is too late to set a semaphore around the topic! I pray for a minimum of contradictions.

The essence of synchronization is wasting time: If you can't do something now, wait for a change in conditions, then try again. The two facilities for this purpose are semaphores and spinlocks. Both are described in The Be Book, in "The Kernel Kit" and "The Device Kit" chapters, respectively. Semaphores may block the current thread, meaning the CPU becomes available for other work. Spinlocks will simply burn CPU time on the spot.

If burning CPU time sounds bad, it is. The reason for using spinlocks is connected with hardware interrupts: The resulting flow of control through the interrupt handler code must not block. This rules out the acquisition of semaphores (releasing them is fine). Therefore, use spinlocks only where interrupts are involved, and only for the shortest time possible.

As synchronization primitives, semaphore and spinlock functions are rarely sufficient on their own. Rather, they are combined with data structures and with each other to provide higher-level services for the driver's particular needs.

The remainder of this article explores examples of increasing complexity. The code does not represent a complete driver, and some knowledge of driver structure is assumed: Please refer to "Developing a Kernel-Loadable Driver" in "The Device Kit" chapter of The Be Book for further background. Some declarations and prudent error checking have been omitted for brevity. When studying the code, remember that there are multiple flows of control contending for service: One that originates from the hardware interrupt system and a few from user mode.


In this first example, user-mode threads enter the driver and block until the next device event. There is no race condition, because an event occurring earlier simply allows the acquire_sem to return immediately. The semaphore, in effect, "counts" the number of events, while also synchronizing the threads. The events are not duplicated for each thread, but are dealt like playing cards from a deck.

    device  *dev;
    sem_id  csem;

    dev_init( ...)
        csem = create_sem( 0, "csem");

    /* flow of control runs at interrupt level
    long dev_int( ...)
        if (dev->status == EVENT)
            release_sem_etc( csem, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE);


    /* run by background-level threads
    long dev_control( ...)
        acquire_sem( csem);
        return (B_OK);

The interrupt handler may not acquire semaphores, since that would risk blocking. Releasing semaphores will never block but may cause the rescheduling of threads, including the interrupt flow of control itself. The handler must avoid this possibility by deferring all scheduling activity, using the B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE flag.


This example resembles the previous one, except the device event is augmented by a piece of data. Note that interrupt- level and background both access the circular buffer, but not the buffer indices. The counting semaphore continues to directly synchronize producer and consumer, as they access the event buffer. The presence of multiple consumers, however, requires that the "tail" index be protected before use. Code that uses "tail" must lie within a "critical region": a section of code bracketed by a "locking" semaphore. The locking semaphore is created with an initial count of 1.

    char    circular[64];
    uint    head,
    sem_id  lsem;

    dev_init( ...)
        lsem = create_sem( 1, "lsem");

    long dev_int( ...)
        circular[head] = dev->byte;
        head = (head+1) % sizeof( circular);
        release_sem_etc( csem, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE);

    /* run by background-level threads
    long dev_read( void *, off_t, void *buf, size_t *len)
        acquire_sem( csem);
        acquire_sem( lsem);
        *(char *)buf = circular[tail];
        tail = (tail+1) % sizeof( circular);
        *len = 1;
        release_sem( lsem);
        return (B_OK);

Why does the counting semaphore, csem, fail to protect the tail index? Imagine two consumers blocked at the start of dev_read: If two events arrive simultaneously, both background threads will launch into the critical region.


This example resembles the previous one, in that data is incoming. However, the circular buffer has been replaced with a dynamically expandable linked list. Suddenly, interrupt-level and background cannot safely access the data structures concurrently: All data access must be placed in a "critical region." Since interrupts are involved, a spinlock is employed instead of lsem.

Spinlocks must be used in conjunction with the interrupt- disabling facilities of the BeOS. The following scenario illustrates the reason why:

  1. Background thread on CPU A acquires spinlock S
  2. Device interrupts A
  3. Interrupt handler running on A acquires spinlock S
  4. CPU A is deadlocked

Here is the code:

    typedef struct data {
        struct data *next;
        char        c;
    } data;

    spinlock    sl;
    data        *head,

    long dev_int( ...)
        cpu_status ps = lock( );
        putc( dev->byte);
        release_sem_etc( csem, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE);
        unlock( ps);

    long dev_read( void *, off_t, void *buf, size_t *len)
        cpu_status  ps;

        acquire_sem( csem);
        ps = lock( );
        *(char *)buf = getc( );
        *len = 1;
        unlock( ps);
        return (B_OK);

    putc( int c)
        data *d = (data *) malloc( sizeof *d);
        d->c = c;
        d->next = 0;
        if (head)
            tail->next = d;
            head = d;
        tail = d;

    getc( )
        data *h = head;
        int c = h->c;
        head = h->next;
        free( h);
        return (c);

    cpu_status lock( )
        cpu_status ps = disable_interrupts( );
        acquire_spinlock( &sl);
        return (ps);

    unlock( cpu_status ps)
        release_spinlock( &sl);
        restore_interrupts( ps);

There are two sections of code, belonging to the same critical region: They are locked by the same spinlock. Shared variables must only be accessed within a critical region. The critical region is bracketed by calls to lock() and unlock(). Packaging the synchronization activity as isolated function calls is highly desirable as the complexity of the driver increases.

It would be an error to place all of dev_read() in the critical region, that is, to call lock() before acquire_sem(). If ten background threads entered the driver, one would block on csem, while the other nine would spin. Even worse, the interrupt handler would spin -- game over. The general rule: No blocking within a spinlock-critical region.


In this final example the counting semaphore, csem, has been retired, replaced by the "z" facility. This facility permits data consumption in smorgasbord fashion: Data can be removed in any order, and in any amount. Data can even be added by the consumer, restaurant rules permitting. "z" relies on lock()/unlock(), while allocating more semaphores for internal use.

For background threads, each service (GET_LINE, FLUSH_ON_NULL, WAIT_FOR_MORE, WAIT_UNTIL_EMPTY) has its own independent agenda and possible side effects. In spite of the free-wheeling, new services can be added easily. Code correctness is maximized by isolating the tricky synchronization and providing simple rules.

Rule 1: All code that accesses the driver's common data (linked list, total) must be bracketed with lock() and unlock().

Rule 2: All code that changes common data must call zalert().

Rule 3: Any critical-region background code can call zwait() to wait for changes to common data.

    int total;

    long dev_int( ...)
        cpu_status ps = lock( );
        putc( dev->byte);
        zalert( B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE);
        unlock( ps);

    dev_control( void *, ulong com, void *buf, size_t len)
        uint    i;

        cpu_status ps = lock( );
        switch (com) {
        case GET_LINE:
            i = 0;
            while (findchar( '\n') == 0)
                ps = zwait( ps);
            while (i < len && head) {
                uint c = getc( );
                ((char *)buf)[i++] = c;
                if (c == '\n')
            zalert( 0);
        case FLUSH_ON_NULL:
            while (findchar( 0) == 0)
                ps = zwait( ps);
            while (head)
                getc( );
            zalert( 0);
        case WAIT_FOR_MORE:
            i = total;
            while (total == i)
                ps = zwait( ps);
        case WAIT_UNTIL_EMPTY:
            while (head)
                ps = zwait( ps);
        unlock( ps);
        return (B_OK);

    bool findchar( uint c)
        data    *p;

        for (p=head; p; p=p->next)
            if (p->c == c)
                return (TRUE);
        return (FALSE);

    sem_id  ztab[99];
    uint    zcount;

    cpu_status zwait( cpu_status ps)
        sem_id sem = create_sem( 0, "z");
        ztab[zcount++] = sem;
        unlock( ps);
        acquire_sem( sem);
        delete_sem( sem);
        return (lock( ));

    zalert( uint32 f)
        uint    i;

        for (i=0; i<zcount; ++i)
            release_sem_etc( ztab[i], 1, f);
        zcount = 0;

The trickiest part of this code is in zwait(), where the background thread blocks on its newly created semaphore. Since the thread controls the critical region, simply blocking would generate a deadlock situation: The thread is preventing the very changes it desires. Therefore, it must exit the critical region first. Before returning, zwait() regains the critical region. This call is not available for interrupts, of course.

For readers of this article who are still standing, the z facility can be improved to use just one semaphore, instead of the whole array. This exercise requires fanatical attention to race conditions. Those who can craft it should consider a career in operating systems.


The examples presented should make clear the difficulty of writing synchronization code (at least, code that works). Beyond trivial cases, the driver writer should segregate such code from device operations. A service of greater sophistication can be constructed from the semaphore, spinlock, and interrupt primitives by combining them with appropriate data structures.

BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: Be Evangelism: The Lost Boy

By Scott Paterson

Saturday night, minutes away from midnight, I'm struck with a thought as my plane races down the Sierras bringing me home from the latest Be Demo Tour. I'm a vampire. Yes, really, and no, not the traditional "bite you on the neck" kind. Have a seat. Oh, I see you're already seated. I'll explain.

A traditional vampire requires fresh blood in order to sustain itself. I have seen some strange rituals during and after Be demos, but nothing involving blood yet. Anyway, I feed off something different. I require fresh and raw enthusiasm. I'm afraid that unlike the traditional vampire's needs, just having a warm body in the room is not adequate for my needs. So, I turn down the lights, just to get the right atmosphere, and I begin to prepare my meal with a little seasoning. Finding all the filenames containing an 'e' that are larger than 50 K nearly instantly on a 2 GB disk with more than 2,000 items draws a few gasps from the real geeks in the crowd.

Appetizers have been served!

Giving people their first taste for the responsiveness of the BeOS by playing a 16-bit stereo audio file at 44.1 KHz while moving a 30-frames-per-second QuickTime/Cinepak movie around the screen with no loss of smoothness or skipped frames gives me my first course. By this point, it's easy to tell there's going to be a feast.

I think the engineers here at Be are on to me though. I think they realize what feeds an Evangelist, so they keep building better bait. Maybe the live queries won't draw you out. Perhaps eight QuickTime/Cinepak movies playing at the same time is "oh so ho-hum." But the 3D rendered book in which you can smoothly flip pages (the faster you move the mouse, the more the page warps) might just do it. Do I have to tease you by putting a couple of static images on the pages and flipping those back and forth? Fine, because if you're at all interested now, I'll catch you completely by throwing down a couple of movies on another two pages and flipping these back and forth as the movies continue to play while being mapped to the available surfaces of the pages. Just to be safe, let's bring up a rendered sphere and throw a movie on that. Hey, mop up that sauce with another image and another movie on both sides of a rendered wave. Someone pass me the wine, please.

Everyday life at Be is a fun and irreverent existence. Getting to eat lunch with Jean-Louis and the rest of the Be team nearly all the time is an eye-opening insight into the history of an industry. I definitely miss it while I'm away on Demo Tours -- but I need more. I need to know firsthand that people are excited about the work we're doing. Having a couple hundred people show up for a Demo Tour meeting is just the beginning. Showing them an application crash into the debugger with no effect on the other four applications that are running (protected memory) is just the beginning. Showing them a few movies playing, a couple of sounds tracks layered over one another, a rendered three-dimensional cube rotating while painting its sides with static images, movies, and even a couple live video feeds on the other sides, this is still just the beginning. Did I say I was doing this all at the same time. Well I am and I do. Having the crowd murmur, gasp, applaud, and stand up cheering; now that's meat an Evangelist can sink his teeth into.

Do vampires eat dessert? I know I rarely pass up on this all-important dining pleasure, so I include it in my demos as well. I finish up with a foray into the Macintosh OS via the VirtualMac, which allows you to run Macintosh applications in a BeOS window. Like most people, I remember my favorite dessert. While not on a Demo Tour, it was during a demo at Macworld this past January. Showing VirtualMac for the first time it was remarkably stable, so imagine my surprise when Word 6.0 crashed the Mac OS. I paused briefly. The crowd suddenly became intensely interested. I closed the window, relaunched the VirtualMac without any problems, and when the Mac OS had booted, it brought up a dialog box that said, "This computer may not have been shut down properly the last time it was used." The crowd broke out in laughter while I dabbed at my lips with a napkin.

Coffee anyone? It's nice to sip from some of our third-party applications, so I always end by showing off a few of the native BeOS applications that are available. BeatWare's ReggaeWrite shows what an everyday productivity application such as a word processor gets from running on a modern OS. Hey, let's watch as I move a picture around in my document and the text is flowed throughout all 700 pages in a separate thread. Then there's the Sum-It spreadsheet, which handles all it's calculations in separate threads and is rock solid. *Slurp* Oops, excuse me. Sometime I get carried away.

"What about garlic and coffins?" you might ask. Well, no, I think the garlic thing is a myth, since I eat as much of it as I can. As far as coffins go, after spending as many nights in hotels and motels as I have, I can think of no better description.

I'm also starting to get suspicious of our engineers. Vampires don't like the light, and the Be engineers are spending a lot of late-night hours here in the office. I'm expecting some killer new bait pretty soon.

Well, thanks for joining me for my meal. If you've been one of my victims, don't worry. The only side effect is an insatiable desire to get your hands on a copy of the BeOS.

News from the Front

By William Adams

Spring is in the air as well as in my step. Springtime is neat. The air is crisp and clear, flowers are in bloom, winter's chill is past. You feel warm and excited, like you can conquer the world. I guess it's like this for us in the computer industry. Whenever a new OS or something or other comes along, we get all excited as if it's the coming of spring and all our ambitions will be fulfilled.

As you go to the garage to clean it out, as you fix up the house, you realize that it's a lot of work... too much work. Sometimes this leads to discouragement, and you find yourself on the couch watching the monster truck pull instead. But, if you make it past this stage, you call up a couple of friends to enlist their help.

So too with creating a new operating system. Introducing something new into the world of computing is a daunting task -- especially for a company of only 50 people. But fortunately we're not alone. There are many developers out there in the world producing applications for the BeOS. Some are freeware or shareware, others are serious commercial offerings. We say this over and over, but there's nothing like a shovelware CD to prove the point. The folks at Adamation have come out with their Be Specific Series II disc.


Chock full of all the software from the Be ftp site, the BeDevTalk mailing list, and the comp.sys.be.* newsgroups. Quite a resource for the Be aficionado. If you want to play with a lot of BeOS software but don't want to spend the time downloading it all, this might be the thing for you.

When you have limited resources such as we do at Be, you rely more heavily on community building. A few weeks ago I put out some simple code for an MPEG-I decoder. I admitted that it wasn't the best decoder in the world, but it was enough to get people going. Soon thereafter, a couple of different developers released code for MPEG Audio decoders.


These are ports of a well-known MPEG audio player, and they work quite nicely. If you're interested in MPEG, you can also find:


Boy, if there were only a Datatypes handler for MPEG, we'd be all set. One could only hope that we gain similar support for some of the more obscure video formats as well.

And if that's not enough, we now have BeTV:


Kevin Hendrickson at it with the Hauppauge tuner digitizer board again. Change the channels, use cable/air/composite, play with the parameters for best viewing. We're seeing more and more community-built software all the time.

Spring is in the air and we're in the midst of a barn raising. With the help of our developer community, we should have it up in time to protect us from the rains of Fall, and the Summer heat.

Quoting Bill Gates...

By Jean-Louis Gassée

...is a dangerous sport. I'm not referring to Bill or his aides making noises about your misusing his words; by now, Bill has grown used to the fact his words are going to be used and abused and it doesn't seem to affect his spiritual or financial well-being. No, quoting Chairman Bill gets you in two kinds of trouble, instead: Flames and obsolescence. You get burned at the stake for blasphemy or, worse, you're out of step, you didn't move fast enough, you're zigging while the Chairman is already in full zag. The more celebrated, and still fresh example is Microsoft's successive turns to the Internet.

We start with MSN, an on-line service in the AOL or CompuServe model (soon to be one, we're told). This was less than two years ago. Microsoft is creating an unfair advantage by bundling its on-line service with Windows 95! Never mind, come December '95, on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Bill Gates quoted Admiral Yamamoto, telling the world Netscape had awakened the giant. The Internet is everywhere. Therefore, no need for a division, it would be like having an electricity division. Three months later, like Athena, a new Internet division springs, fully armed, from the head of Microsoft. Admirable. No need to belabor the lessons of that one. Sometimes, I think the leadership and cultural strength demonstrated by Microsoft can only be emulated in part. The rest is in some set of genes. Like low cholesterol, good eating habits and exercise help a bit, but the surest recipe is picking your parents well.

A little more recently, Microsoft gave further proof of their flexibility and focus. Time will tell if it contains knowledge useable by lesser mortals. This is about the NC. In the old IBM fashion, it started with the usual: "It's nothing, you don't need it." Then, as the pressure mounted, the NetPC and the Zero Administration Initiative came out. This was seen by many as an old-fashioned paper tiger. Good, hygienic, but not an NC. Awright. Citrix, under a license from Microsoft, had been selling a kind of NC product. From a dumb terminal, you run ordinary Windows applications: Lotus Notes (just kidding), Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the like. The applications run on a Windows NT server and WinFrame, the Citrix product, does the rest. Microsoft got into negotiations with Citrix to acquire the WinFrame core technology. The talks apparently broke down around the end of February, with Microsoft stating it had a team developing similar technology. And last week, at SD '97, Bill Gates announced support in Windows NT 5.0 for a Windows "frozen" terminal. You buy it, you don't modify it, you keep it several years, and then you throw it away, because the technology has made it sufficiently obsolete. It offers the cost of ownership benefits of the NC, the control you want to regain, and the applications you're comfortable with. Admirable again. Now the NC has real competition.

The discussion will shift to technical and business arguments, away from religious ones. One can hope. Not that I'm such a Microsoft groupie, but I don't think a technology ought to be embraced, a product ought to be purchased, because it's "not Microsoft." It's religious and we know who gains the most from religion. Not the faithful. But the week had yet to be capped by the purchase of WebTV. Imagine a set-top box (I know, WebTV isn't exactly one, yet) running Windows CE. The home NC. Windows everywhere, on the server, on the desktop, in your pocket, and now, on your TV. Sony and Philips are now Microsoft licensees. Perhaps not what they had in mind.

Java started as a set-top-box language, but transmuted itself into a renaissance movement to create a new world of platform-independent applications, NCs, and, more to the point, a way to shake Microsoft's hold on the industry. And we end up back on top of the TV set.

Speaking of Java, I can't resist the pleasure of quoting Bill Gates in a message to Dave Winer (dwiner@well.com, http://www.scripting.com/).

Dave writes great software and a great newsletter, filled with discerning observations on our industry.

Here's some of what Bill Gates (billg@microsoft.com), is thinking about on a Saturday morning:

"When Microsoft wanted to do Java, Sun told us we had to help fund JavaSoft in a big way and do a lot of other things, so we did what they asked. When Sun wanted to clone Windows they didn't call us or pay us or anything. Which is open Java or Windows?

"Why are they trying to create a religion with purity concepts? Is native code compilation so bad? Is being able to call a platform a bad thing? Most languages can call the database libraries, multimedia libraries, graphics and text libraries that have already been created. They are insisting everything be rebuilt.

"Imagine a pure application running on the Macintosh -- no clipboard calls. No desktop integration. No scripting support. People rejected every application on the Mac that didn't exploit the platform. Now this is being demanded as part of the Java religion. Is this driven by what users want or what an industry insider wants?

"Microsoft embraces Java as one of the languages that people will develop in -- in fact we brought good debugging to Java and we have the best performance VM. Our AFC libraries give people graphics and UI richness. So we are one of the companies involved in Java but we think C, Visual Basic and other languages will still be of great importance. We have an advance in our object model we will show next month that allows all languages to work together with some big benefits.

"As long as we are talking about Java, another important thing to disclose to people is that 16-bit machines (the 60 million computers running Windows 3.1) will never have usable Java performance. Netscape never went final with their 16-bit VM. Sun didn't even do one. Netscape claims they will do one with Communicator but Communicator won't fit on 90% of 16-bit PCs. Our Caffeine marks were tripled recently from 13 to 41 but it's too slow to be usable. We are over 1000 on Win32.

"All languages are independent of hardware assuming you have the right code generator. Most applications require operating system services whether it's a duplicate operating system on top of the main one or the primary OS on the machine.

"Of 6 emails I sent early on a Saturday morning I have already had responses to 4 of them. You, Esther Dyson and 2 Microsoft people. It's kind of crazy how much people are available on email but it's very nice."

Interesting comments on languages and platform independence.

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