List Descriptions
Be currently runs six electronic mailing lists:
Up-to-date general information about Be. This list is read only.
Anyone can subscribe to this list.
This list receives the weekly Be Newsletter.
Note: If you are a developer and on the BeDevNews mailing list,
there is no need to also join the BeInfo list.
Up-to-date information for Be developers. This list is read only.
You must be a member of the Be Developer Program
to be on this list (you are automatically added when you join).
If you'd like to unsubscribe from this list, please send e-mail to
If you'd like to change your subscription address, please modify
your Developer contact information in the Registered Developer Area
on the Be web site.
This list receives the weekly Be Newsletter.
Note: If you are a developer and on the BeDevNews mailing list,
there is no need to also join the BeInfo list.
Discussion list for BeOS developers covering BeOS programming and other technical issues.
This is an open discussion list
to which messages can be posted. Traffic is dependent on subscriber usage,
which is currently moderate-to-high. Anyone can join this list.
Note: you must be a member of the BeDevTalk list to send a message to
the list. The list will reject messages from non-members.
Discussion group for Be user group members interested in discussion a variety of Be-related
topics. This is an open discussion
list to which messages can be posted. Traffic is dependent on subscriber usage,
which is currently low-to-moderate. Anyone can join this list.
This list receives the weekly Be Newsletter.
Note: you must be a member of the BeUserGroup list to send a message to
the list. The list will reject messages from non-members.
Up-to-date information for resellers and potential resellers. This
list is read only. To join this list you must fill out the
Reseller Info Form on the
Be web site.
This list receives the weekly Be Newsletter.
Note: If you are on the BeResellerNews mailing list, there is no need to also join
the BeInfo list.
This is a press line that sends out event information and press
releases only. This list is read only. You must be a member of
the press corps to join this list (send requests to
All subscription requests are handled by commands sent via e-mail to the Be list server.
All list commands must be sent to
You may also send list commands for any of our unrestricted lists
(BeInfo, BeDevTalk, and BeUserGroup) by using the
List Maintenance web form.
To subscribe to a list, send an e-mail message to containing
the following in the subject of the message:
subscribe list_name
For example:
subscribe beinfo
subscribe bedevtalk digest
Note: Your "From:" e-mail address will be added to the list of recipients
for that list, and the "From:" address of your posts to the list
must match the "From:" address you subscribed with in order to be
successfully reflected to the list.
Important Note: Due to the large quantities of bounced e-mail our lists receive,
the list server is very strict in eliminating e-mail addresses
which have delivery problems. Three bounces in seven days and an address will be
automatically unsubscribed from all lists.
We regret any problems this might cause our subscribers, but our lists have too
many subscribers and too much traffic to avoid cracking down on bad e-mail
To unsubscribe to a list, send an e-mail message to containing
the following in the subject of the message:
unsubscribe list_name
For example:
unsubscribe beinfo
unsubscribe bedevtalk
Note: In order to unsubscribe from a list, the "From:" address in your unsubscribe
message must exactly match the "From:" address with which you subscribed to the list.
List Maintenance Form
This form allows you to send certain requests to our list
server via a Web form interface, rather than via e-mail commands. Currently you can only operate on our three general
public mailing lists, BeInfo,BeDevTalk, and BeUserGroup.
When you submit a request via the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail
message from the Be list server. You must reply to that confirmation
e-mail in order to activate the command. You don't need to edit it or add
anything to it, just use your mailer's reply command and send it back.
Other List Features
Some of the other features of our mailing lists include:
To receive a help message for any of Be's mailing lists, send a message containing
the single word "help " in the subject field to
Digest Mail
Once you are subscribed to a list, you will receive all messages
forwarded to the list by list members, or from Be. For the two
discussion lists, BeUserGroup and BeDevTalk, you can turn on the digest
option for your address, which will cause messages to be compiled and
sent to you once a day in a single message.
To turn on the digest
feature, send the following in the subject field of your message (for example):
subscribe bedevtalk digest
subscribe beusergroup digest
To turn digests off (and return to normal list messaging), send (for example):
subscribe bedevtalk
subscribe beusergroup
Note that digests are only available for BeDevTalk and BeUserGroup.
Mail Archives
Archives of all messages sent to the BeDevTalk list are available on the web. The archives
are searchable and include list messages from April 1996 to the present.
They are even updated in real-time!
The BeDevTalk Archives are
hosted by Adamation, Inc.
Be thanks Adamation for this service to the Be community.