Be Newsletter
Issue 45, October 16, 1996
Table of Contents
Be Demo Tour: BeBox Demos in Berkeley, Seattle, Nashville!
Be, Inc. is coming to the University of Illinois in October
to show the BeBox.
REGISTRATION FOR BE DEMO TOUR EVENTS: E-mail to register for any event. Please tell us
your name, the names of the people coming with you, and the
meeting name (Houston, Austin Wednesday, or Austin
Thursday). Admission for unregistered guests will be on a
first-come, first-served basis.
By Robert Polic
Internet e-mail was introduced as part of the recent DR8
release of the BeOS(TM). As a number of developers have
pointed out, the DR8 version of the mail system broke a bit
too easily when confronted with certain POP/SMTP servers. A
new version that fixes these incompatibilities will be
included as part of the update to DR8 (coming soon to an FTP
site near you). In the mean time, this article explains the
architecture of Be's mail system.
The mail implementation consists of three parts: The mail
daemon, which sends and receives mail; the mail portions of
the Network Kit, which provide interfaces for applications
that want to create their own mail-reading and mail-
authoring applications; and BeMail, which is a simple
application for viewing and authoring mail messages.
The mail daemon is a background application, which checks
for and sends mail according to a schedule that the user can
configure through the E-Mail preferences application. The
daemon gathers new pieces of mail from the server and stores
each as a record in the Be database. Fields that are defined
in the "E-mail" database table (see headers/net/E-mail.h for
the table description) are scanned for in the message and
added to the record. The message header and content are
stored unmodified in their entirety in this record as well.
If the message contains MIME enclosures, the enclosures are
extracted and saved into the /boot/Enclosures directory;
references to the enclosures are also added to the database
record. Enclosures encoded using base 64 are decoded
Using the database to store mail allows the user to sort
mail in a number of ways using queries. For instance, I can
set up a Browser query to show me all mail sent to me from
Jean-Louis by using the Browser's Find Panel and specifying
"Name contains JLG"; to view only the mail that has arrived
since yesterday, I can create a query with the Find Panel
and specify "When since yesterday." (Hint: Open the Queries
icon in the dock to sees all queries that have been made.
You can rename and drag these queries to the dock for quick
For developers who want to add e-mail capabilities to their
applications, the Network Kit's BMailMessage provides an
interface to the "E-mail" table, and to the mail daemon's
message-sending functions. An example for an application
that does automatic registration is as follows:
#define COMPANY ""
#define SUBJECT "registration"
void register(user, id)
BMailMessage *mail;
mail = new BMailMessage(); // construct mail object
mail->AddField(B_MAIL_TO, COMPANY, strlen(COMPANY));
mail->AddField(B_MAIL_SUBJECT, SUBJECT, strlen(SUBJECT));
mail->AddField(B_MAIL_CONTENT, user, strlen(user));
mail->AddField(B_MAIL_CONTENT, id, strlen(id), TRUE);
delete mail;
This constructs a new BMailMessage , adds three fields to the
message (the TRUE for the second B_MAIL_CONTENT AddField is
a flag to append the new data to the existing data for this
field type), and queues the message to be sent the next time
the mail daemon is scheduled. The message will be removed
from the database after it has been sent successfully.
Options to Send include sending the message immediately and
saving the message after being sent.
Note: The only requirement for sending mail is that there be
a recipient. This means the message must have a B_MAIL_TO ,
B_MAIL_CC , or B_MAIL_BCC field.
The last part of the e-mail package is the mail reader
(users can pick the reader they prefer with the E-mail
preferences application). With DR8, we ship a simple
application, called BeMail, which reads, replies to,
forwards, and constructs e-mail. For developers who want to
create more interesting mail readers, the only requirement
is that they assign the document type 'mail' to their
application's APPI resource.
To help simplify the process of writing more interesting
mail readers, we're making the source for BeMail available
on the FTP site. BeMail is a fairly complete BeApplication.
It has examples of database access, threading, messaging,
multiple views, and includes classes from a number of
different kits.
The source is broken down as follows:
Mail.cpp Application and window objects
Header.cpp TextControl views for header fields
Content.cpp TextView for the message content
Enclosures.cpp ListView for enclosures list
Signature.cpp Code for creating and editing signatures
Status.cpp Simple modal dialog with a TextControl
The size of the object is greater than 64K so you won't be
able to build it with the version of CodeWarrior that ships
with the BeOS (you'll need to buy the unlimited version from
I haven't commented the source code particularly well, but
according to the MS Word grammar-checker, it's written at
the eigth-grade level, so you shouldn't have too much
trouble going through it.
News from the Front
By William Adams
So, two weeks on the job so far and things are looking up.
Like so many new employees, I wanted to hit the ground
running. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. The world is a nail,
and I have a big hammer!
From the outside looking in, I didn't realize how much
enthusiasm there really is in the Be community. But it's not
just enthusiasm, there are a boat load of truly good-looking
applications in the works, or already on our door steps. I
would like to share some of the gems that show up at the site, just in case you haven't already noticed.
Caveats about favoritism, and objectivity aside, I think
these are really cool and needed applications.
Title: Audio Elements
Author: Attila Mezei (
"Oh boy! That's what we had in mind when we created the
Media Kit!"
- A well-known Be Engineer
If you haven't had a look at this yet, it's a definite must
see. Basically, you have the ability to graphically layout
what are known as audio networks. That is, you can hook up
things like a microphone to a speaker by drawing a line
between their graphical representations. That's about the
simplest operation you can do. You can add filters of all
sorts and mangle your sound in a million different ways. And
get this... add-ons are an integral part of its
architecture. Creating your own add-ons is relatively easy.
You kick start the process by selecting from a menu, filling
in a little bit of information, and generating a stub. Now
you're left to actually write the code to do whatever it is
you want.
There's just too much in this little (currently free)
package to mention. All I can say is, if you're interested
in fiddling about with audio on the BeBox, then give this
thing a try.
Title: Kftp
Author: Laurent Pontier (
The BeOS ships with a standard command-line version of the
ftp client. This is good enough for UNIX hacks who may not
be exposed to anything much more elegant, but Windows and
Mac users will be much more satisfied with something that
has a nice graphical user interface. Kftp is such a program.
It presents a nice GUI ftp client. Transferring files is a
matter of click, click, that's it.
Titles: Viewer, Rotator, Sphere, Gouraud
Location:, viewers
Author: Tinic Urou
These are little graphic applettes. They typically perform a
single function, and they all have the same general
structure. But boy is this author (and associates) prolific!
They all include informative source code (although not
commented). Play with a couple of these and you might think,
"I didn't know I could do that." I find these truly
inspirational, and every time I run them I get giddy and
want to stay up until the wee hours of the morning trying to
do something better. You'll find in them ways of
manipulating a BBitmap directly and using messaging to run a
loop without using Pulse() .
Be provides the site as a convenience to the Be
community. It provides a central location for developers to
share their wares. The site provides this convenience, but
has some low-level maintenance associated with it. The
maintenance is primarily provided by the users that take
advantage it, but we also do some work.
On a daily basis we download all the things that are in the
incoming directory and put them onto a BeBox. Then we
unpackage and run each one. This is to ensure that we aren't
posting pornography and that we can gunzip the packages run
them on most machines. Then we make an entry in the whatsnew
file so that people can see what's come in lately. If it can
be run, then we move it over to the contrib area. We do not
perform any virus checks, or check for maliciousness, so you
should be aware of this when running an executable that
doesn't supply source code. Use at your own risk.
When you post something to the site, you should
send mail to That way we at least know
that it's there. Even though we look every day, some things
come in that we don't have the ability to gunzip due to
corruption, so they stay in place because we don't know who
sent it. Also, feel free to add an entry for it to the BeWare section of the web site.
The form to do so is available in the Registered Developer Area.
When posting, include both a .tgz file and a .readme file.
That way everyone knows at a glance what the package
includes without having to download it.
Spreading excitement is relatively easy to do on this
platform. There is so much fuel for the fire that all I have
to do is point in the right direction and jump up and down.
But it still remains the case that developers need some hard
questions answered, and not just cheerleading. Most of the
time, good developers just need to be sent in the right
direction to find out how to best utilize the BeOS.
This week's tutorial focus is the source code for the BeMail
client. You'll find the package at:
This is the source code straight from Robert Polic, who
wrote it. The only change is that the code has been
commented in some areas to explain what's going on. It's all
pretty straightforward and should be beneficial to anyone
looking how to do mail, access the database, do messaging,
use menus, and generally use a lot of GUI stuff.
Creating these tutorials is an evolutionary process. This
code release is typical of a first pass, the code is
commented. Like the Gamestick tutorial last week, more
information will be available later. Speaking of which, the
Gamestick tutorial actually has a tutorial now. More
explanation of what is actually going on and how to use the
code effectively.
Enough said.
BE DEVELOPER TALK: Mike R. Manzano, BitBrothers Development
OK, so I'm sitting in this room full of people I don't know.
I'm staring at a monitor hooked up to this gaudy looking
oversized lego building block, and all I can think is, "The
application he closed just crashed. It must have crashed...
It went away too quickly." There was no "please wait while
the application shuts down," no hourglass spinning around
and around, ad nauseum -- just *POOF*. No app.
I know, it seems like a small triviality, but the speed
really impressed me. So much that I formed BitBrothers to
code on it, and teamed up with Janine Terrano, a wonderful
marketing magician and visionary. Together we hope to
produce applications under the name Matrix Softworks, Inc.
My brother just bought his box last week instead of his
first choice, a Power Computing machine. I had nothing to do
with it. Really, I swear.
Well, it's a few months later, the bevel on the front of the
machine we bought is a bit toned down from the original
(nice neutral gray), but the snap-off thingies sitting atop
the bevel are still an enigma to me. A friend mentioned that
they may snap off so you can stack BeBoxes on top of each
other. Legos again. Go figure.
Thinking about it twice, I suppose that even if the case
isn't supposed to be a lego, the operating system certainly
reminds me of one. Want a window? Sure, just make one. No
hidden agendas like "you have to set X and make sure a
function handle in Y is set to Z." Building apps on the
BeBox reminds me of those plastic models I use to build in
high school, only you don't have to follow the instructions,
you don't need glue, and the parts talk to each other.
It was precisely my endeavors in learning this new API that
lead to the idea of creating Pixel Magic, a paint program
that will hopefully see the light of day early next year.
At first I wasn't so sure I should do it. I mean, come on, a
PAINT program? Everyone and his evil stepmother's twin was
probably working on one. Why should I? Or, perhaps that's
what everyone else was thinking. So maybe I should do it.
So I am.
I don't want to give too much away before Christmas (that
wouldn't be much fun, would it?), so let me mention a few
phrases describing PM that you can subliminalize:
Independent layer animation plug-in filters tools alpha
datatypes multiple undo cool awesome neat. You'll see more
at the January show, I'm sure.
As for other products on the horizon, I'm itching to put out
a really fast 3D two-player heart-pounding adrenaline-
coming-out-of-your-ears game, perhaps based on the 3D Kit.
I've gotten pretty far on it already. You run the
application and a tilted 3D box appears on a black
background. Okay, so I've got some work to do...
Anyway, Be's support has been exemplary. Well, almost. I'm
still confused as to whether or not CopyBits() is buggy or
if it's my code. Dominic? The ubiquitous bug list idea comes
into mind. Idea: Put a developer-editable and repliable bug
list in the developer's area of the web site. Allaire
( has something like this and it
works wonders. Other than that, I'm not too critical about
the state of the BeBox and its software. I applaud Be for
not going Microsoft on their products. I plan to follow suit
and release PM as an infant application. I figure at the
very least it will give me more time to spelunk around the
insides of the machine.
Developer Looking for Help
Jean-Paul Gervaiseu is "looking for a talented developer to
work on a revolutionnary contact database." Please contact
him at
Are PCs Killing Workstations?
By Jean-Louis Gassée
The short answer is no. Not exactly, not today. But, for a
while, PCs have been encroaching on traditional workstation
applications. Windows NT, with an effective combination of
publicity and reality, has made the invasion more obvious.
But it started long ago and, as a result of the age of the
subject, it's surrounded with a good amount of folklore.
For the longest of times, workstation makers and users have
wondered at the proliferation of PCs. How could people use
these? They don't even have a real operating system, their
networking is primitive, they're slow as molasses, with
ridiculously small memories and screens. And yes, PCs were
primitive when compared to UNIX workstations. The PCs had
other advantages, such as being affordable, friendlier --
meaning useable by a much larger constituency. Just as
important, their hardware and software were more
standardized, meaning more individuals and companies would
invest to develop programs and add-ons for them. But UNIX-
based workstations reigned in server and technical
applications, such as computer-aided design and software
Over time, seeing the success of PCs, workstation companies
tried various approaches to what is, from their perspective,
the low end -- desktop publishing and other office
automation applications. They never scored any notable
success. Sun executives used to be irritated at the number
of Macs in their offices; they were used to make those
lovely overheads for their meetings. Silicon Graphics tried
several times to capture the high end of multimedia PC
applications and, so far (they're trying again), failed to
make any money at it.
There are two likely factors to this persistent lack of
success. The first is the fact that software, and more
generally computer architectures, just don't scale down.
Software poured into a smaller vessel than the one it was
designed for doesn't work very well. The other factor is the
babelization of the UNIX world. Workstations sold in much
smaller numbers than PCs, less than a tenth, and hardware
and software were very fragmented, thus making third-party
investments less attractive. PCs, on the other hand, were
becoming more powerful and started attracting CAD/CAE
software. I remember, when we started Be, we picked
inexpensive 486 PCs to do logic design and to route
motherboards. DOS wasn't a pretty operating system, but it
loaded the application and got out of the way. And if the
motherboard routing wasn't always very fast, it got done
anyway and got done very cheaply.
With Windows NT, one of the objections to PCs in some
demanding applications disappears. Windows NT is a real
operating system, big, brawny, likes lots of hardware,
complicated -- but real. Monitors, graphics accelerators,
memory, and network connections are on par with workstations
-- only less expensive.
Does this mean Sun, Silicon Graphics, HP, and Digital should
cry uncle and give in to the combined might of Intel and
Windows NT? Of course not. Silicon Graphics, for instance,
is shooting for the high end. They bought Cray Research and
have a very prosperous business of multiprocessor servers
and virtual-reality engines. These high-end machines are now
used in TV broadcasts to make a virtual studio around an
anchor standing or sitting against a blue background.
The next development to watch will be Intel's efforts to re-
architect PCs. Today's processors are already poorly served
by current memory and I/O systems. The basic PC/AT design
goes back to 1984. We should see the PC organ bank we're so
fond of get much better components with the arrival of
Intel's next generation of processors.
And what about us, Be, in this PC vs. workstation border
conflict? Border is the right word. We'd like to be as
friendly and affordable as a good personal computer. And,
with the BeOS, we hope to provide the brains and the muscle
of a workstation, with an agile OS optimized for demanding,
high-bandwidth digital media applications. Someone even
called us the poor man's Silicon Graphics.
BeDevTalk Summary
BeDevTalk is an unmonitored discussion group in which
technical information is shared by Be developers and
interested parties. In this column, we summarize some of the
active threads, listed by their subject lines as they
appear, verbatim, in the mail.
To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on
our web site:
- --WEEK 6-------------
Subject: AES/EBU
AKA: BeBox sound
More debate over whether Be should (1) provide professional
digital audio in/out as part of the baseline hardware, (2)
build a custom AES/EBU card for the sound professional, or
(3) let third parties fill this demand.
- ---WEEK 2----------------
Subject: How to interface GeekPort and apps
The actual speed of the GeekPort(TM) compared to the
hardware spec was noted and lamented. Where's the
THE BE LINE: In a quick test of the BA2D object, it was
found that reading at full throttle was, indeed,
significantly slower (about 100 microseconds per sample)
than promised by the spec. We'll look at the GeekPort
classes and drivers to figure out where the time is going.
- --WEEK 2-------------
Subject: There is no OS UI like no OS UI.
AKA: hot boot
AKA: Shutdown/Sleep/Suspend
Is rebooting too slow? If you've crashed and have to re-
index (or, worse, rebuild) the database, then rebooting can
be painful. Also, more talk about "hot booting," a process
whereby a CPU/RAM image is saved for a subsequent context-
restoring boot.
- --WEEK 2-------------
Subject: Real Desktop?
AKA: HEY! Is anyone listening?!
The desktop-as-virtual-directory debate spawned a few
alternative solutions, which led to the "HEY!" thread, in
which a respondant wondered aloud whether Be was taking note
of the good ideas that pop up in BeDevTalk. It was suggested
that using the BugForm to report a feature request is the
best way to announce such ideas to Be.
THE BE LINE: By all means, send us ideas and suggestions in
the form of feature requests.
- ---WEEK 2----------------
Subject: Plug-in thought
The global add-on discussion broke into two streams: The
fragile base class problem needs to be addressed, and data
formats need to be easily transformable. SOM was conceded to
be the most reasonable (if not the prettiest) solution for
the former. For the latter, Jon Watte wrote in to remind
folks of his datatypes library.
- --NEW-------------
Subject: A Be Developers Conference?
AKA: Be IRC Server
This thread discussed the means for (and desirability of)
creating an Internet Relay Chat conference about the BeBox.
Some folks think an IRC can't replace a face-to-face
conference. The response: The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Amid the discussion, a Be IRC Server was announced. [Ed. note: The
dates for the Be Developer Kitchens are still set for October 31 and November 12.
For more information, please contact]
- ---NEW----------------
Subject: FileSystem Idea: Virtual databases.....
Should each user in the (promised) multi-user BeOS have his
or her own database? How about a personalized table? The
security of such a feature was questioned.
- ---NEW----------------
Subject: A 'filesystem' for tomorrow, modular software
In this thread, it was suggested that the "file system" as
we know it (hierarchical organization of files identified by
name) be replaced by a purely database representation.
Folders become files, and files (one assumes) become
records. This would let you create live queries on files
(for example).
Also, it was suggested that the database become more
relational: The user (or programmer) should be able to
create "joins" between tables.
- ---NEW----------------
Subject: Deleted files
The thread started with a proposal that deleted files be
erased only as disk space is needed, and then in
chronological order (of deletion). Thereafter, different
methods and philosophies for garbage-collecting deleted
files were discussed.
- ---NEW----------------
Subject: Floppy
Should Be abandon the (admittedly outdated) 3 MB floppy? Why
not move to a Zip, MO, or other >100 MB drive? Mostly
everyone agreed that Zip (or one of its brethren) is much
better in theory, but the new drives are slow, expensive,
and rare. The one philosophical objection was that all
computers should have a "lowest common denominator" media.
Floppies is it.
- ---NEW----------------
Subject: Secret about box + AE
AKA: AudioElements Oscilloscope
Who's the man in the Browser's Easter-egg About box?
Somehow, this led to general applause (and feature requests)
for the recently up-loaded AudioElements application.
THE BE LINE: Chris Herborth correctly identified the Easter
bunny as Don Cherry (and his dog, Blue). As the first prize
winner, Chris gets to port Doom.
- ---NEW----------------
Subject: Does link() work?
Links are promised as part of the DR9 file system. This
thread saw a few closing arguments for the way links should
be implemented, and which types of links should be
- ---NEW----------------
Subject: Mac emulator??? Hmm what about UAE?
This thread looked at Mac OS emulation from various angles:
Does a common CPU (i.e., the PPC) make emulation easier?
What are the trade-offs between emulation and running native
code? Could a dual-PPC run the BeOS on one processor and the
Mac OS on the other?