- The Internet Project at Monta Vista...
- How Monta Vista has been involved since 1992 in blazing a path towards
a networked future of education
JANUARY 12, 1994...
- A special section on the visit of US Vice President Al Gore to Monta Vista
High School.
School Information
- About Monta Vista...
- General information about our school and its goals
- Academics...
- Information about our academic programs
- Activities...
- The many special student activities that go on throughout the year
- Email addresses and links to home pages of MV alumni
- Athletics...
- Information about MV Matador sports
Clubs and Organizations...
- A list and information on the wide variety of clubs and organizations on
Monta Vista Music...
- Stuff about our well-known music department, both choral and
- Students...
- Student and faculty hypermedia home pages
Technology at Monta Vista...
- How Monta Vista has been involved in using technology with education: hardware, software, and special projects
- The Canonical MV List of MV Top Ten
- On the net for the first time ever! What we REALLY like...
Community Information...
- Cupertino 95014....
- The city of Cupertino: its people, its places and its lifestyles
- SVPAL: The Silicon Valley
Public Access Link...
- Information on many community-related aspects of Silicon Valley and its
Mark Wang