The Internet Project at Monta Vista
Monta Vista has been involved in using Internet since 1992, when NASA
established the original pilot project. Since then, awareness of the
Internet has grown to the point where we now have a class exclusively
devoted to it with around 25 students involved. Using a wide variety of
resources and applications, such as mail, telnet, ftp, Usenet, irc, gopher,
archie, and www, students and staff are discovering how to integrate the
Net into the high school academic curriculum.
On January 12, 1994, US
Vice President Al Gore visited our
school to see our activities on the Internet. Since that time, numerous
visitors have come to see our own "information superhighway" unfold and
take root in our high school.
As time goes on, the Internet and its role in high school education is
poised to
grow exponentially, and more Monta Vista teachers in all departments
are learning ways to use the Internet in their instructional plans.
To find out more...
Mark Wang (