Learning how to use the Internet

The Internet is a large, complicated place. There is an enormous amount to learn and explore. This document is intended to help the beginning user find a place to begin, as well as help the more experienced user develop a more in depth knowledge.

Guides to the Internet

There are a variety of introductory guides writing about getting to learn the Internet. The guides vary in coverage and emphasis. If you read all of the below, you'll have a pretty good grasp of what's available in "Cyberspace" and how to use it.
Entering the World-Wide Web: A Guide to Cyberspace
This work by Kevin Hughes is a superior introduction to the concepts applications, and use of the World Wide Web. It is fairly comprehensive, so it may cover more material than you wish to see.

Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet
This is an excellent work, one of the best of its genre. It is huge and comprehensive, covering nearly every aspect of the Internet. If you read this work, you will know a great deal of what you need to know to use the Internet effectively. You should be cautioned though, that not all the information will be relevant to users of Harvey Mudd College.

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Last updated on May 22 1994 at 08:51 by Jared_Rhine@hmc.edu