With two all-fiber-optic trans-Pacific circuits to the U.S. Internet backbone (256kbps and 64kbps), Hong Kong Supernet is:Our unrivalled service, reliability and cost-effective access have earned Supernet over 3,000 clients, half of which are commercial entities.
- Hong Kong's largest and fastest Commercial Internet Service Provider,
- a member of the Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX), and
- holder of a Public Non-Exclusive Telecommunications Service (PNETS) license issued by Hong Kong's Office of the Telecommunications Authority.
You can read in these pages about some of the exciting changes that are happening at Supernet, as well as Supernet's services. Soon, you'll also be able to look over the Web offerings of some of Supernet's users, which counts a large part of Hong Kong's blue-chip business community among its members! We also provide a directory of Hong Kong's academic Web sites, together with some selected Internet starting points.
All contents copyright (c) 1994, IDRIS.
Please address questions and feedback to info@hk.super.net or by phone at (+852) 2358-7924, or fax at (+852) 2358-7925.
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