To assist and support instructors in the scholarship of teaching, the Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) provides a variety of instructional support programs and services. First, PIE conducts conferences and workshops in a university-wide approach. Next, in departmental programs, PIE customizes instructional activities to meet the needs of instructors teaching in a specific discipline. Finally, consultative services are available for faculty and teaching assistants (TAs) on an individual basis.
Representing a part of the University's commitment to excellence in teaching, the Program for Instructional Excellence provides a central facility to assist instructors and departments in the continuing improvement of learning and leadership. PIE not only functions as a resource clearinghouse for addressing instructional materials, equipment, and services. In short, PIE provides comprehensive support for the teaching aspects of a scholar's life at Florida State University.
Call the Program for Instructional Excellence (644-8844) for information and directions to our on-campus office. PIE consultants, university teachers themselves, can help you implement an improvement process appropriate for your teaching style and discipline.
A Home Page for Educational Technologies and related learning issues. Contains collected information (mainly WWW pages) on Education, CBT, AI, Learning, Distance Teaching, CAI, CAL, ITS, Student Modelling, coursework, multimedia, etc.
WWW Conference Workshop Teaching & Learning with the Web
National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL)
Instructional Development Services -- UC Irvine