High Alpha Electronic Workshop

Index of the High Alpha Electronic Workshop

  1. High Alpha Workshop Objectives.
  2. Electronic Workshop Participation.
  3. High Alpha Workshop Schedule.
  4. High Alpha Electronic Workshop Schedule.
  5. High Alpha Electronic Workshop Access Statistics.

  6. Go to the High Alpha Electronic Workshop Sessions.

Conference Objectives

This conference will focus on the flight validation of high angle-of-attack technologies and provide an in-depth review of the latest high angle-of-attack activities. Areas to be covered include aerodynamics; with emphasis on ground and flight correlations; propulsion and inlet dynamics; thrust vectoring; control laws and handling qualities, tactical utility, and unique control configurations, such as forebody vortex control and tail-less aircraft.

Here is the Call for Papers for the Fourth NASA DFRC High Alpha Conference.

Electronic Workshop Participation

Registration is recommended for workshop participation, but is not required. Registration will provide a list of interested parties for possible future contacts and follow-up sessions. Here is a list of registered participants of the High Alpha Electronic Workshop.

High Alpha Conference Schedule

High Alpha Electronic Workshop Schedule

Thannk you for participating in the NASA Dryden High Alpha Electronic Workshop. This is still a very experimental method of communication of research data using the World Wide Web (WWW) and Web browsing tools (Mosaic, Lynx, etc.).

Please feel free to comment on the organization, programs, or anything else associated with this presentation. Email: binkley@xavier.dfrc.nasa.gov.

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Dryden Electronic Workshop Home

High Alpha Conference IV - Electronic Workshop
URL: http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Workshop/HighAlphaIV/highalpha.html
July 12-14, 1994
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Modified: October 3, 1994
Curator: Robert Binkley - binkley@xavier.dfrc.nasa.gov