The ULTIMATE EDUCATION STORE is an online shopping center that takes the pain out of buying K-12 educational materials.
Use our store directory or browse through:
Or, use the search function to look through our fully indexed and cross-referenced store to find materials that support a particular grade level, topic, or educational approach. No matter what your subject, grade level, or teaching style, the Ultimate Education Store helps you find what you're looking for--in a matter of seconds, rather than hours.
The Ultimate Education Store also gives you all the ordering options you need -- fax, mail (electronic or conventional), and phone. Just pick the one you prefer.
The Ultimate Education Store is brought to you by Scholastic Network--the first full-service online network for teachers and students. For more information about Scholastic Network, send electronic mail to, or call 800-246-2986. And if you have any comments about the Ultimate Education Store, send email to We'd like to know what you think!
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