Welcome to The WEBworks!

WHO is The WEBworks?
The WEBworks is owned by David Butcher, a computer specialist with:

WHAT is The WEBworks?
The WEBworks specializes in introducing small Los Gatos businesses to the World Wide Web.

Advertising, interactive order forms, Home Pages, business coupons, digital postcards, and more...

WHERE is The WEBworks?
Los Gatos, CA USA
Phone 408-354-6763

WHEN is The WEBworks open for business?
The WEBworks is on the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Email can be sent any time to davidbu@netcom.com

WHY take advantage of The WEBworks services?
Why put YOUR business on the Internet?

HOW do I get started? HOW much will it cost?
Start with an estimate of costs for your WWW needs. (The On-Line Estimator is partially complete. The estimates it curently produces do not include setup charges and !discounts!.

Create your own literature pack and order form - set your screen to 550 pixels wide and print everything behind this link...

Employees Only

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