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Announcement: Yahoo Has Moved! Please change your Yahoo pointer to http://www.yahoo.com/Business/Employment/Jobs. The present link will go away soon. Thanks!
- Academe This Week -- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Academic Physician and Scientist - Academic Physician and Scientist is the centralized resource for positions in academic medicine. It is the largest, most comprehensive gathering of positions in academic medicine. The publication is produced bimonthly and includes news from the world of medical education.
- Academic Position Network
- ACM SIGMOD's Database Jobs Listings
- American Astronomical Society Jobs Listings
- Bay Area Job Location Finder - Click on a city on the map of the Bay Area and get returned a list of jobs available, or go directly to a list of cities.
- C.E. Publications Job Search - job listings from the current and upcoming issues of C.E. Weekly
- California Career and Employment Center
- Career Magazine - a comprehensive, interactive career resource, designed to meet the individual needs of job seekers, human resource managers and career-minded professionals working in the "networked 'nineties.
- Career Taxi
- CareerMosaic@ (2)
- CareerWeb
- Chicago Tribune Help Wanted Ads - listings in five technical categories from recent issues of the Chicago Tribune.
- CLRnet: Architecture & Landscape Architecture Jobs
- Companies (71)
- Computer Animation Field - Job Listings - Leading positions for Animators, Programmers, and Technical Directors
- Computer Graphic Images (CGI) Job Offers
- Computerized Job Listing Service
- Computing/IT Jobs WorldWide - service for job seekers, contractors within the computing (IT) industry.Positions are offered worldwide.
- Contract Employment Weekly@ (5) - primary purpose is to furnish subscribers, as quickly as possible, with information about immediate and anticipated contract job openings throughout the United States, Canada and overseas
- CPB Job Line - radio/television job postings
- DEI Technical Information Consultants - provides an updated index of current fulltime and contract employment opertunities as well as descriptions of our other technical services.
- Dept. of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook 1992-93 - U. Minn.
- Direct Marketing World Job Center - offers free listings for employers with positions available for job seekers. Employers can post their own listings which are instantly added to existing job offers. Job seekers can e-mail their resumes to us.
- E-Span Employment Database Search[*] - JOB LIBRARY enables you to search the employment ad database by keyword, date posted, since last visit, and jobs posted by keyword. Search Career Fairs by state and by keyword, or post your resume to the database.
- Easynet Job-Centre - Here you can place a CV, peruse the jobs on offer and look for people to employ.
- Electronic Job Guide - Bay Area Jobs - a database of jobs submitted locally and taken daily from the Usenet newsgroup: ba.jobs.offered.
- Employment available in Crystallography
- Employment Directory Guide to North Amercian Markets
- Employment Opportunities and Resume Postings
- Entry Level Job Seeker Assistant - dedicated to the assistance of people who have never held a full time, permanent job in their field, or who have have less than a year of non-academic experience.
- Finding A Job - information on finding the right job
- GetNet International - Employment - Employment Opportunities in Phoenix, Arizona and other areas.
- Government (8)
- Health Related@ (2)
- Heart - On-Line Interactive Recruitment Network@ (2)
- helpwanted.com@ (2)
- INFONET - The SSCL Outplacement and Information Resource System
- Interactive Employment Network@ (2)[*]
- Job Banks (Latino network)
- Job Banks (UT Austin)
- Job Browser - This is an interface to position openings posted to usenet.
- Job Junction
- Job Listing at tamu.edu - List of university jobs, and other employment servers.
- Job Listings at nsula.edu
- Job Rock
- Jobnet - a collection of job related resources scattered across the internet which have been collected here from various sources. Sources used include gopher, USENET News, the World Wide Web and various listserves.
- Jobs and Employment - RiceInfo (Rice University CWIS)
- Jobs for WWW Developers
- Jobs Listing at Computing Research National Assocation (CRA)
- Jobs Online New Zealand
- JobWeb
- Monster Board! - This is where the Northeast's hottest companies - and companies around the country that want to attract you - are advertising right now. Surf our web pages and find new job listings weekly.
- National Alumni Placement Association
- Omaha CareerLink - Jobs clearinghouse and community information resource. Lists information technology positions currently available in Omaha.
- On-line Job Services - The purpose of this server is to provide a listing of a number of internet accessable on-line job services. These may include job search/retrieval systems, or places to which you may submit your resume.
- Online Career Center@ (3)
- Papyrus Media Careers On Line - Job Search - a database of international employment opportunities provided free of charge to job seekers.
- People Bank - database of job seekers. It is accessed through Windows and DOS programs distributed in the UK and Australia.
- Physics Job Announcements
- Professional Employment Network - Huntsville-based, non-profit, public service organization dedicated to matching job-seekers' capabilities with employers' needs.
- REED JOBNET [new] - for all you recruitment & employment needs
- San Francisco Bay Area Job Lines
- SkillSearch Corporation - SkillSearch is a leader in career networking and database recruiting services.
- SofTech Jobs Board - jobs in the north San Francisco bay region
- SPIE Online Employment Service - SPIE offers an Online Employment Service to help people in the scientific and engineering communities find jobs, and to help employers in the industry find qualified candidates. This service is free, and open to anyone in a field related to optics.
- The Catapult - contains well over 200 links to career resources found on the Net.
- The Job Board - a few tech related job postings
- TNE's Environmental Jobs - A Free listing of Environmental Jobs compiled by The New Environemtalist
- Universities (7)
- Usenet Jobs List - indexed search for 22 regional hierarchy .jobs newsgroups, as well as misc.jobs.offered (a worldwide newsgroup), bionet.jobs, biz.jobs.offered, and hepnet.jobs.
- VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) On-line
- Index - Career Resources
- Index - Employment Opportunities and Job Resources on the Internet
- Index - Job List - Joe Walker - list of job sites.
- Usenet (39)
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