Medsearch America is an employment service for health care professionals. Send mail to to get a proper announcement of it, or follow this link. is another job/resume database. When you're connected, follow the instructions displayed. You'll be prompted to enter information from your resume. Response time is quite slow; be patient.
E-SPAN, Inc. is a three year old online employment resource for employers and job seekers which recently came up on WWW. They provide a searchable database of high-tech job openings and other resources for the job seeker. Additional information can be obtained via email at Submit resumes to
Monster Board
The Monster Board
is a commercial site on the Web operated by ADION
Information Services which is a division of ADION, Inc., a large recruitment
advertising agency in New England. It has specific job openings and
entertaining monster graphics to keep you moving through the board.
The Monster Board offers an overview of employers, a "CyberFair" for college and entry-level positions, and a helpful "browse and select" interface that supports job searching by company name, location, discipline, industry and specific job title. Most of the jobs thus far are for technical positions,but you will find a number of positions in disciplines like marketing, sales, multimedia, and management. There appears to be a growing number of biotech/pharmaceutical jobs as well. The vast majority of the jobs are in East Coast locations, chiefly in New England, but a number of positions are located across the country.
Unique to the career searching sites on the Web, the Monster Board uses a Mosaic Forms application. Once you've targeted a position, you can use it to apply on-line, or you're invited to Email your resume to the appropriate job. In both cases, all responses are managed at the Web site, instead of the traditional send-your-resume-to-the-company. Corporate recruiters have immediate access to the confidential resume postings. Only about 50 companies are listed on the Monster Board's "Companies" section, but many more are found in the postings in the "Career Search" section. The Monster Board is listed in the "JOB SEARCH AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: BEST OF THE NET" Guide by P. Ray and B. Taylor (UMich).
Collected vacancy listings
Here are National Listings from The Chronicle of Higher Education.
University of Minnesota's Academic Positions Network is a searchable list of national and international positions.
Bernard Hodes Advertising sponsors CareerMosaic, which has company info and occasionally openings for about a dozen hi-tech companies.
OPTOLINK is the SPIE's employment info server.
The Center for Excellence in Education's jobs section lists resumes from its graduates, and job openings from its sponsors.
University of Minnesota's Remote Sensing Laboratory's server has a collection of GIS job announcements.
The George Washington University School of Business and Public Management maintains a computerized job listing service, apparently of US civil service jobs, mostly in the Washington, DC area.
BIONET keeps a listing of job and resume postings for biological sciences jobs, and jobs that support biological sciences.
Dartmouth provides a listing of Federal job vacancies.
Telnet to Federal OPM BBS, Macon, Georgia.
West Georgia College lists Internet employment resources and points to lists vacancies. They also list internal vacancies. The Chronicle of Higher Education lists academic job openings (updated weekly) and other information.
University of Wisconsin's Gopher Jewels has a category for job and resume listings.
The New York State Dept. of Labor's jobs database can be reached via telnet. Login as WORK.
Rice University's Gopher server has a directory of directories of academic jobs listings all over the world.
Geosearch, of Colorado Springs, Colorado,
specializes in GIS and Earth Resources placement.
They maintain a job list, on audio for now:
(719) 260 7981 (job line),
(719) 260 7087 (office),
(719) 260 7389 (fax).
Allen Davis & Associates provides lists of their openings for this week, the last 10 weeks, and Lotus Notes specialists. Contact for more information.
Employment-related information and services
Margaret Riley of WPI maintains
Employment Opportunities & Job Resources, listing Internet based employment information.
Harry Lemon keeps a
list of dial-up BBS's and
other, some net-based, employment information services. Some of his
sources have nothing to do with computers!
HPCWire is an electronic newsletter for jobs in the high-performance computing field. To get a free trial subscription, send an empty message to The subscription is valid for 1 month only; it costs afterwards.
What's the difference between an employee and an independent contractor? IRS Section 1706 addresses that issue for programmers, engineers, and others. The IRS uses a set of 20 questions to decide whether you should be taxed as an employee.
Here's the TQM bulletin board.
Usenet newsgroups,, list job openings around the world, with an overwhelming bias toward computer and engineering jobs. Newsgroups,,,,, and discuss more local opportunities. There are other newsgroups for jobs in other areas of the country and of the world. Mosaic and Lynx are painful ways to read Usenet news; you're much better off with trn.