(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Star Wars
David Jansen's page
This page was first intended just for personal use, to keep a list
of the various StarWars-related items on the WWW, as well as the things
I had available on the disk of our computers.
Maybe it is usefull for others as well, so that's why it's made public.
I don't pretend to give a general index of SW resources on the net;
actually, I don't pretend anything !
Some home-made SW stuff
Other StarWars home pages on the WWW
FTP archives
StarWars MUD / MUSH sites
Related subjects
here to see the access statistics for this page (reset on 10-5-1995).
May the Force be with you ... always !!!
This page is created and maintained by :
DJ - which sometimes stands for Dark Jedi, sometimes Doctor Jones,
sometimes Disk Jockey, but most of the time just :
David Jansen (
Standard disclaimer :
It isn't my fault !
Any feedback about these pages is welcome, through this
electronic mail form,
or through normal
to the address shown above.
You may also want to leave a note in my