hide random home screenshot http://www.fie.com/www/us_gov.htm (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

List of WWW Servers (USA - Federal Government)

WWW Servers (U.S. Federal Government)

CERN's Server Summary or our locally maintained Server Lists.

If you have a U.S. Federal Government World Wide Web Server and would like to have it included in this list please e-mail your request to www-request@fedix.fie.com. Please include your URL, a title, a brief description, and where in your organization the server resides.


Multiple Agency/Site Servers
These web servers contain information about multiple agencies of the U.S. Federal Government and have facilities to search for information accross all listed sites.

Single Agency/Site Servers
These web servers contain information about a single U.S. Federal Government Agency, Office or Site. Most have links to additional related sites of information.

Consortium Servers
These web servers contain information about U.S. federal government sponsored consortia.

Multiple Agency/Site Servers

Federal Information Exchange, Inc
A private company located in Gaithersburg, Maryland which operates several multi-agency information services.

FEDIX - U.S. Federal Agency Opportunities
FEDIX is an on-line information service that links the higher education community and the federal government to facilitate research and education. FEDIX contains the latest information from the Commerce Business Daily, Federal Register, and other sources for participating federal agencies. The following federal agencies participate in FEDIX: DOE, FAA, NASA, ONR, AFOSR, NSF, NSA, DOC, DOED, HUD, AID.

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch of the United States Government is under the control of and directed by the President of the United States. The departments listed below are cabinet level agencies.