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Computational Science Education Project Homepage

Computational Science Education Project

Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 by the Computational Science Education Project

This electronic book is copyrighted, and protected by the copyright laws of the United States. This (and all associated documents in the system) must contain the above copyright notice. If this electronic book is used anywhere other than the project's original system, CSEP must be notified in writing (email is acceptable) and the copyright notice must remain intact.

Goals of CSEP

An introduction to High Performance Computing issues as a preparation for research and studies in computational science and computational engineering. The intended audience are students in science and engineering at the advanced undergraduate level and higher. Public domain software tutorials are of general interest and have attracted a range of users, including high-school students and people from the commercial sector. Availability

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