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Guest Book 3.0

Version 2.0 of this program is now available under the GNU GPL .

This program is my entry in the EU-Net Austria competition 'Neue elektronische Werkzeuge im Cyberspace'.

There are already several other guestbooks on Web Servers around the World.

Click on a number or on one of the submaps [Europe, North America or Australia]

Do you want to leave your footprint here? - but you probably want to use one of the submaps of Australia, USA, Europe or Austria.

1) rmorris [Sun Sep 25 1994]
from national research council, ottawa, canada says:

Hi! Well, I guess I can't say I'm sad to see STTNG go, as maybe now I can get some homework done! Not to mention I missed a year of it ( I was in Japan, so the reruns will so fine for now. But my sympathy to everyone who misses it. I can sort of sympathise!!

2) Eyal Teler [Mon Oct 3 1994]
from computer science department, hebrew university of jerusalem, israel says:


(You're putting words in my mouth, 'ey? I didn't write this Hi.) Well, I'm just here to say what a wonderful ST page you have here, and to add something to what seems to be a really small guest book. BTW, have you noticed how 'Star Trek - The Next Generation' is taking over the WWW? Every time you access a page, it's downloading some bytes of Data. Eventually, full copies of Data will appear all over the world, to be followed by the rest of the crew (or maybe he's working with the Borg again - now that's a frightening thought). ST-TNG is entering its 7th season around here, so it seems that I only have one more year to suffer from it. Voyager seems more promising (when it arrives here in Israel in 3 years or so).

3) Tina Single [Wed Oct 19 1994]
from computer science department, university of waikato, hamilton, new zealand says:

Hi! This is really neat. We're only up to series 6 way down here in New Zealand. I can read ahead and surprise my friends with my great predictions of what is just about to happen. (shhh, don't tell them!)

4) Jeremy Childs [Sun Nov 13 1994]
from Yellowknife, NWT Canada says:

Hi! Very cool stuff... Contact me (jeremyc@inukshuk.gov.nt.ca) if you want to know more about Canada's Arctic

5) Scott McKay [Wed Nov 16 1994]
from Calgary, Alberta, Canada... says:

Hi! Well I just want to say that I seem to like this thing called "Star Trek" and was wondering how i can get hold of a Star Trek Screen Saver... I heard of one that was Sharware for Windows... and was wondering if someone Would be so kind as to tell me where it is... or send me it?!?!?! ( e-mail to sbmckay@nucleus.com ) well thanks alot... L8r

6) Fabio Augusto [Mon Nov 28 1994]
from campinas state university, campinas, brazil says:

Hi! I'm connecting to ST WWW for my very first time. I'd thought that I was the only crazy in the world, but as I can see...

7) Ed Barrick [Tue Nov 29 1994]
from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada says:

Hi! I'm Ed, I love Star Trek... especially TNG and DS9, but I am also a big fan of the old series... This is a great feature on the WWW... Keep up the great work...

8) Dean Tabor [Thu Dec 1 1994]
from University of Alaska Fairbanks says:

Current temperature in Fairbanks: -45F

9) Yukihisa Muramatsu [Wed Dec 7 1994]
from Applied Technology Research Center, NKK Corporation, JapanT says:

Hi! Seems I'm the first visitor from Japan. Wow! There are a lot of Trekies here in Japan. Don't they know? I'd better tell them where to go. This is the place.

10) Iain MacFarlane [Thu Dec 8 1994]
from rogers data services, markham, ontario, canada says:


11) Shing Lam [Sat Dec 10 1994]
from The University of Hong Kong says:

Hi! From the "Pearl of the Orient". It seems that I'm the first Netizen From HK to leave a message on this guest book. It's foggy today, I think the whole weekend will be like this. Tschuess!

12) A.Kate Francq [Sat Dec 10 1994]
from Lakefield College School, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada says:

Good Morning out there! I was just roaming the Internet when I came across this Star Trek page. I am most impressed. I just thought I'd drop a line to say that Star Trek Rocks My World! I'm glad to know that I am not the only one in the galaxy who loves Trek: classic, TNG and DS9! Its amazing. Peace and long life to all of you!!!

13) A G.I. [Tue Dec 13 1994]

Hi! This is my first time cruising the InterNet. This stuff is very interesting. It's nice to know that someone cares about getting this stuff on the InterNet.

14) Tony Mauro [Wed Dec 14 1994]
from Engineering Department, university of victoria, british columbia, canada says:


15) Peter Da Vanzo [Thu Dec 15 1994]
from actrix information exchange, new zealand says:

Hi! Nice to vitually meet you. Have a very sherry xmas and a happy new beer... Cheers Pete

16) Bill Gray [Fri Dec 16 1994]
from hewlett-packard corporation says:

Hi! What's up with all the Corporate surfers? Guess they think this ain't work. :) This is really good stuff!

17) Christoph Su [Sun Dec 18 1994]
from Moscow Russia says:

Hi!-This ain't my hi but I'll say it anyway, I really miss all you trekkies out here in the middle of nowhere, But more than that I miss those episodes. I wanna Know why the hell arent they showing the shows on KOSMOS (translated as "cable") but any way, its great to know all you guys are out there keeping your phasers warm. I must apologise for if I have stuttered it's really cold in here.so what's this I hear about John dying? I hear everyone's all cracked up eh? I say he needed the rest, hasn't his five year mission gone on for long enough?

18) Elizabeth Earon [Tue Jan 10 1995]
from Lakefield Ontario says:

Hi! Wow! There certainly are alot of Trekkies out there!

19) salmon [Mon Jan 16 1995]
from Pacific Ocean says:

Hello! I was just swimming by. <>{

20) Ted Fabian [Mon Feb 6 19:32:11 MET 1995]
from Cleveland, Ohio says:

Hi! check out the Space Experiments Division homepage that I maintain.

21) Mikko Karttunen [Tue Feb 7 07:43:50 MET 1995]
from Montréal (Québec), Canada says:

Hi! Greetings from the cold (-30C)! Check out the Physics Servers and Services Around the World -server from McGill University, or try the mirror of that at TU Vienna.

22) Cynthia Rahardja [Tue Feb 7 20:40:46 MET 1995]
from Jakarta, Indonesia says:

Hi! Currently I am studying in Daytona Beach, Florida. But I just thought that I would make a mark for all fellow indonesians (specifically from Jakarta) who are also on the net. Cynthia NB. I really like your work! Any pointers where I can get some html references, other than the basic html guides?

23) William J Anderson [Thu Feb 9 03:56:55 MET 1995]
from Ottawa says:

Hi! This is a nice guest book. Kewl touch!

24) Rob Szmon [Fri Feb 10 22:48:41 MET 1995]
from dial061.mbnet.mb.ca says:

Hi! We enjoying good weather here, eh! iT be -30 degree C. Wid da wind chill it bE near -45 degree C. Wonder why we sound stupid? You tink slurpee brain freeze be bad come here for day. Joe outside stuck with tongue to pole. He not talk now but maybe later, like June if can. Ha Ha. we now want to get serious and we hoped you enjoyed that little peice of humour, eh! We want to join your mailing list or what ever you call it. I personally like Star Trek very much and am a full fledged Trekkie, me and my friend will enjoy Star Trek trivia and I am the grand champ, not bad, eh! Well thank for your time please enjoy my letter. Yours truly, ROB SZMON.

25) Christian Rose [Sat Feb 11 06:40:59 MET 1995]
from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada says:

Hi!Hey Beavis know what would be really cool? If some like computer dude or something sent me some email. Yeah! Yeah! That would be cool.

26) Mike [Mon Feb 13 03:21:54 MET 1995]
from HIMMS says:

Hi! I've not used Internet before. As spock would say: Fascinating. Cant imagine the new vulcan on Voyager ever being as interesting...

27) Mike [Mon Feb 13 03:22:36 MET 1995]
from HIMMS says:

Hi! I've not used Internet before. As spock would say: Fascinating. Cant imagine the new vulcan on Voyager ever being as interesting...

28) Bryan William Van Norden [Mon Feb 13 22:47:55 MET 1995]
from University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa (USA) says:

Hi! I am on the WWW at http://www.cs.uni.edu/~bryan.

29) Ken Farr [Wed Feb 15 17:34:05 MET 1995]
from Boston & New York City says:

Hi! Just surfing by & though I would leave another entry for you. Nice Trek board. As you've found out, Trek things have a life of their own.

30) Joseph E. Schmalhofer III [Fri Feb 17 08:39:31 MET 1995]
from University of Tennessee Space Institute (12 miles outside of Tullahoma) says:

Just one question? Where are the full reviews of the 3rd Season of DS9?

31) Alexey A. Petrovsky [Sat Feb 18 17:43:58 MET 1995]
from Moscow, Russia (OMNi WWDC) says:

Greetings! Happy to check this page and send my great feelings to you all! Please check Demolinks Site See you all on my site!

32) Guilherme Soares Zahn [Thursday, February 23 95]
from Physics Institute - Sao Paulo University - Brazil says:

Hi! First of all, b'fore you ask me, no! I'm not typing this on a UGA-BOOGA PC-SAURUS !!! It's just another trekkie sayin' Hello to ya all. BYE

33) Ted Dimof [Sunday, February 26 95]
from Seattle, Washington says:

Hi! So what does everyone think of the new Star Trek series with Katherin Hepburn wannabe Kate Mulgrew? I think the show stinks. The characters are irritating and have no depth. Bring back Spock!!!

34) David Wood [Thursday, March 02 95]
from Calgary, Alberta, Canada says:

Hello from the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. Just thought I'd let you know that I live about an hour north of the town of Vulcan. Yes, Virginia, there is a Vulcan. Bye for now.

35) Matthew DeMizio [Thursday, March 02 95]
from Millville NJ, USA says:

Hi! That's about all I can say! :-)

36) Jeremy Heywood [Friday, March 03 95]
from Vancouver B.C. Canada says:

Hi! I'm a fan of TNG and the orig Treks. Still trying to decide whether Voyager is any good. I have a question regarding some memoribilia that i have just unearthed from my closet. I have found 4 "Star Trek Giant Poster Books". They have info about episodes and techinical notes about the making of Trek. One even has the rules to "Fizzbin", remember that one ? If anyone knows more about these publications please let me know at jnorton@unixg.ubc.ca. Thanks:-} J.

37) Curtis P. Arnold [Sunday, March 05 95]
from California, USA says:

Just givin' greetings to all my fellow Star Trek hardcores... Voyager! So far, what do ya think? I'm enjoying it very much! More power to 'em!!! cpa

38) Curtis P. Arnold [Sunday, March 05 95]
from California, USA says:

Just givin' greetings to all my fellow Star Trek hardcores... Voyager! So far, what do ya think? I'm enjoying it very much! More power to 'em!!! cpa

39) John P. Hunt [Sunday, March 05 95]
from Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA says:

Hi! Well hello to you too in Austria!

40) David A. Delcloo [Sunday, March 05 95]
from Kingston, Ontario, Canada says:

Hi! I'm a newbie to the Net and using NetScape have found my way to this area. There are lots of fans of Star Trek who aren't afraid of saying so. Greetings from Eastern Ontario, Canada home of the finest fishing in North America.

41) Van Herterijck Paul [Monday, March 06 95]
from Belgium says:

Yo de mannen ! ( always wanted to say hi to all the Trekkies all over the world ) Bye bye.

42) Roger Woitte [Tuesday, March 07 95]
from Shorecrest High School, Seattle, WA says:

Hi!I can never get enough ST. Keep expanding this page! Is there any more ST shareware I haven't seen yet. Is there any list of all the shareware ofST stuff.---Keep up the good work. !!Star Trek Forever!!

43) Deena Ralls n9242233 [Tuesday, March 07 95]
from Bellingham Washington USA says:

Hi! Just cruising through the web. I'm not really a fan of Star Trek, however, because I am a "poor college student"I refuse to pay for cable t.v. and the only channel I receive is one that seems to always be playing Star Trek. My roommates and I joke that it is the "24/7" Star Trek Network.

44) Steve Mevel [Sunday, March 12 95]
from Ottawa Ontario Canada says:

Hi! I have several friends in Salzburg, and visit quite frequently. I usually stay in Hallein, which is just a few kilometers south of Salzburg. I must say that you have one of the most beautiful cities in the World at the front step of your school. Maybe I will see you sometime soon. Refards, Steve Mevel OTTAWA CANADA

45) Antonio Sanchez Molina [Tuesday, March 14 95]
from Escuela Tecnica de Ingenieria Informatica de Granada (Spain) says:

Hi!We are two students who want to contact Austrian students. If someone is interested, we are on internet Monday to Friday from eleven to twelve a.m. We like grunge music and would like to exchange anything which has to do with our hobby. Please, do write. If you want, you can also write in German, because my partner is Austrian.

46) Antonio Sanchez Molina [Tuesday, March 14 95]
from Escuela Tecnica de Ingenieria Informatica de Granada (Spain) says:

Hi!We are two students who want to contact Austrian students. If someone is interested, we are on internet Monday to Friday from eleven to twelve a.m. We like grunge music and would like to exchange anything which has to do with our hobby. Please, do write. If you want, you can also write in German, because my partner is Austrian.

47) Øyvind Antila [Tuesday, March 14 95]
from Rena - Norway says:

Hi there! Greetings from cold snowy Norway *brrr* I am looking for someone who knows how to handle forms or CGI scripts for my www homepage. So, if you know any of this - please, and I mean PLEASE e-mail me at

I'll be seeing ya...
48) Kelvin Cho Yaw Koon [Wednesday, March 15 95]
from US says:

Hi! What a wonderful world!!

49) andrew [Thursday, March 16 95]
from cumberland college health sciences says:

Hi! Just checking this great site

50) Gustavo_Llavaneras [Friday, March 17 95]
from Berkeley, California, but I come from Caracas, Venezuela says:

Hi! This is a very neat group of links from Brigitte Jellinek home page. Congratulations and keep working that way...

51) Anthony Van Alphen [Friday, March 17 95]
from Ottawa says:

Hi! Aren'y guestbooks great.

52) Oscar N. Ventura [Friday, March 17 95]
from Montevideo, Uruguay says:

Hi, Brigitte! I've enjoyed it! Really nice and cool. Just this and putting my mark on your map (after all, I don't think you'll have many people from Uruguay, kind of exotic. heim? ;-) Oscar (usually here)

53) crenquis@engin.umich.edu [Saturday, March 18 95]
from U of Michgan--Sucks says:

The MapServer for the U.S. doesn't seem to be working Hi! I'm really from Wisconsin (read CheeseHead) Just cruising around and came across your page--Great Work! Did you notice that I seem unable to maintain a continuous line of thought. Need to defragment my mind... better get going Bye bye Cary vi does rule! Emacs.die.die.die The universe may be not only queerer than we think but, queerer than we can think

54) Len Senetza [Sunday, March 19 95]
from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada says:


55) Jerry Kilgore [Wednesday, March 22 95]
from Austin, Texas, USA says:

Hi! Nice collection of pages. Good work!

56) Dana Johnson [Thursday, March 23 95]
from Dallas TX USA says:

Hi! Just surfin through... Nice job! regards, dj

57) Dana Johnson [Thursday, March 23 95]
from Dallas TX USA says:

Hi! Just surfin through... Nice job! regards, dj

58) Malin Fax [Thursday, March 23 95]
from tty17-03.swipnet.se says:

Halli hallå kakmonsters! Hur é läget? Själv är jag trött på Andy som sitter bredvid mig och trackar mig hela tiden. Skicka ett foto på din morsa till Andy!!!!!! syns!! Malin Fax

59) James Collings [Sunday, March 26 95]
from Guernsey, Channel Islands (west of France!?) says:

Hi Brigitte. I love the WWW servive you've set up in Krakow, so I thought you'd be the ideal person to contact. I'm a programmer (C++ etc) working in the UK and Norway.I've been asked to do some work for a charity supporting reafforestation (planting trees!) and we've devised a system of 'network fundraising' for use on the net. I works like this.. 1) you make a donation 2) we give you a unique reference 3) you introduce friends etc using this reference. 4) you can claim a 'fundraising fee' from the fifth level below you of 10% You can see the 'tree' generated by yourself by sending an e-mail request to our WWW page in Ireland. Like the idea? If you do, I'll send some more information when we're ready - about 3-4 days. My e-mail is 'qconsult@business.co.uk' What do you think? Best regards, James Collings.

60) Mariusz Karbowski [Thursday, April 06 95]
from Poland, Warsaw says:

Hi! How are you? You know your page is really FFFFFFFFFAAAANNNNTTTTAAASSSTTTIIICCC.

61) Michelle R. Tribe [Sunday, April 09 95]
from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America says:

My cat is trying to walk on the keyboard: so any incoherent mumble jumble isn't my fault. Check out my homepage. dfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff (That was my cat.)

62) Dion van der Grijp []
from Pretoria, South Africa says:

Hi! Yes, your trap worked. I got (duly) lured here via your Star Trek page...! I must say you've done a neat job of this site (http://www.cosy.ac.at/). Just about every link goes to somewhere even more fascinating - I'm tempted to use the term `entertainment black hole' - couldn't leave without taking a peek at the lot. Enjoyed it, thanks! (Don't stop webbing, OK?) Regards, dvdg

63) Wong Ting Sieong []
from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia says:

Hi! Cool page, compliments to the author. Good day and good health to everyone. I shall go back to my surfing now...

Guestbook Version 2.0 copyright (c) 1994 Brigitte Jellinek
_ available under the GNU General Public License
this guestbook maintained by Brigitte Jellinek - bjelli@cosy.sbg.ac.at
last modified: Monday, 09-Jan-95 12:25:59 MET
last new entry: Thursday, 13-Apr-95 16:55:22 MET DST