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Johann's Comics Page

This page contains information on resources of comics and comic-strips discussion.

If you find any of this interesting and/or useful, donations of $0.01 (or more, if you feel the urge) in the form of NetCash can be used to encourage updates and expansion.

Table of Contents

Comic WWW Pages
Comercial WWW Comic Pages
Various Search Engines' Comic WWW Pages
Online Comic Strips
Comic Reviews and Commentary
Comic Newsgroups
Comic Mailing Lists
Comic FTP and Gopher sites
Comic Images/GIFFs/etc

Comic Subscription Service

If you are interested in a comic subscription service in the Urbana-Champaign area (or you don't mind paying shipping charges) with a 40% discount off Marvel/DC books and lesser discounts on other publishers and merchandisers, including gamming stuff and cards, contact me at j-beda@uiuc.edu and we'll see if we can work something out. Once again, NetCash can be used.

Pages to look at and Links to other WWW pages

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Comercial Sites with Comic stuff

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Search Engines' Comic Pages

  • The Yahoo guide to the WWW has links to all sorts of comics resourses, including comic books and comic strips . If you know of any WWW resources that aren't on Yahoo, you may add them.
  • The Whole Internet Catalog , a part of the Global Network Navigator Home Page has a listing for cartoons .
  • The CUI W3 Catalog has links to various comics and/or cartoons .
  • The WebCrawler can be searched for comic or cartoon .
  • The GNA Meta-Library has links through a search on comic or cartoon .
  • The ALIWEB searchable index has links to various comics and/or cartoons .
  • RBSE's URL database can also be searched for comics and/or cartoons .
  • EINet Galaxy can search through lots of stuff in a Galaxy Search or a web search for "comic cartoon".
  • The NIKOS Gateway can be searched for comic or cartoon .
  • JumpStation can also be used to search, but putting direct links to it is a bit tough, so you'll have to go and enter them yourself.
  • WWWW - the WORLD WIDE WEB WORM can also be used to search, but putting direct links to it is a bit tough, so you'll have to go and enter them yourself.
  • The Mother-of-all BBS has a comic book section that may be added to.
  • Lycos can be searched by looking for comic or cartoon .
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    Comics Strips

    Christian Cosas' page (Missouri, USA)
    The most complete source for actual comics and comic strips actually on the net, including CultuRe Trap and Flower and Death. If it is available on the net, and it's a comic strip, it's probably here.

    HYPE Electrazine
    Various 'Toon's, sounds and computer (both Macintosh and IBM) sound utilities.

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    There are a few reviews accessed through Martin Ward's WWW comic page. There are a few other sources for reviews. Many can be found in the various comic related newsgroups particlularly rec.arts.comics.info. Additionally some may to be found in various FTP sites.

    There is a WWW Watchmen annotation available, with many more hypertext annotations in the works by various people.

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    There are many newsgroups associated with comics covering almost any type of comic style or format. If you are aware of any others not on this list, please inform me.

    For the posting of fan fiction, such as stories of the Legion of Net.Heroes and the Net.Trenchcoat.Brigade. The group's charter states: This newsgroup is to be available for people who want to post comic-related fiction and discussions about them. Writers are encouraged to follow the existing continuity of the "universe" in which their stories take place. (Writers can have their stories take place in a "universe" that is entirely their own but this would mean that any "cross-overs" with other storylines would have to be considered "out of continuity".) This group is *not* intended as a place for posting stories using current characters from actual comic books as this would constitute trademark infringement.
    A moderated group, r.a.c.i. is intended for factual and informational postings and reasonably detailed reviews (i.e. a review consisting entirely of "I really liked/hated Suicide Squid #666" isn't going to cut it). Relatively low volume, the idea is to have a very high signal to noise ratio in its postings. Posting to this group will result in your post being emailed to the moderator, who'll decide whether to post it to the group at large. In general, turnaround time is within 24 hours, and the moderator announces on the group if he'll not be posting for any longer period. Followup discussion of posts here take place in the appropriate r.a.c. group. Most followups are set to racm. The original moderator was Brian Hughes. The current moderator is "Scowling" Jim Cowling whose email address is scowling@angmar.dataflux.bc.ca Most followups are set to racm.
    Devoted to the discussion of Japanese manga.
    Devoted to the discussion of animated films, TV shows, shorts, etc. There are also innumerable related newsgroups to this, such as rec.arts.disney and alt.tv.tiny-toons , but in particular there is rec.arts.anime for discussion of Japanese animation.
    For the posting of For Sale and Wanted posts dealing with any aspect of comics or related merchandise. Note that marketplace has its own FAQ.
    Discussion of all comic books from around the world. If it's about comics and doesn't fit elsewhere groups, this is where to post it.
    For the discussion of comic strips and editorial cartoons, their creators, and any spinoffs such as tv, movies, collections, or merchandise.
    For discussion of Marvel mutant books (defined as X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Excalibur, Wolverine, X-Men 2099, Generation X, and any mini-series or stories in anthology titles about characters from those books). Note that xbooks has its own FAQ.
    Best described as weird comics that you know are bad for you. Some cross-posting to r.a.c.m.
    The newspaper comic-strip Dilbert - note you may need software to properly read this newsgroup. If you are local to UIUC, you can read this through a local WWW page, reading either the latest strip, or looking through the archives.
    This newsgroup is devoted to the discussion of Japanese manga.
    The Legion of Net.Heroes, a RAC spinoff of fan fiction
    A furry comic.
    Matt Howarth comics, such as Those Annoying Post Brothers and Savage Henry.
    For fans of Suicide Squid , possibly the best comic book hero ever published.
    The comic book Tank Girl.
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    Mailing lists

    There are many mailing lists available on the internet covering a wide range of comic related topics.
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    FTP and Gopher sites

    There are a number of FTP and Gopher sites contining comic related information, images, software and related stuff.

    Many Gopher comic sources
    This Gopher site at TAMU Texas A&M University cotains all sorts of stuff, and links to other sources as well.
    Toronto comics FTP site
    There is an FTP site with comic related infomation at ftp.sys.toronto.edu in the /pub/comics/ directory. This FTP site has largely Cerebus and Watchmen images.

    rec.arts.comics FTP site
    The racm FTP site is at ftp.hiof.no in the /pub/Comics/ directory. This FTP site has several megabytes of resource data, ranging from FAQ's, bibliographies, sales and release lists, TV show guides and even software programs for managing your comic books! Included herein is much information on The X-Men and others, including many annotations of comic book plotlines.

    Omnicom Archives
    Omnicom is an online Legion of Superheros APA in the form of a mailing list. An archive of them is kept on an FTP site at probacto.soar.cs.cmu.edu in the /usr0/vernon/omnicom/ directory.

    This site at theory.lcs.mit.edu in the /pub/wald/ directory has a few annotations (Watchmen, Sandman and The Books of Magic) as well as the much loved Suicide Squid file, which is very long and may take some time to download.

    This Gopher site at gopher://cerebus.acusd.edu/ has information about comics, especially the business and career side of the industry. One can finger help@cerebus.acusd.edu to get more info on different ways of accessing the files via finger, FTP, Gopher, or email.

    There are a variety of Cerebus related sites with pictures, interviews and annimations. asylum.sf.ca.us in the /pub/cerebus directory has various annotations and interviews. If you are interested in some annimated software for both Mac and Windoze platforms, one can go down to the crazed-ferret subdirectory. This can also be found at sunsite.unc.edu in the /pub/multimedia/pictures/OTIS/animations directory. There is also the soda.berkeley.edu site in the directory /pub/cerebus which has Jerry Sweet's Cerebus Companion, a large literary work, in various formats.

    This site at ftp.lysator.liu.se in the /pub/comics/disney directory has Disney comic related information.

    This site at darwin.cc.nd.edu in the /pub/comics directory has X-Men related material.

    This site at vela.acs.oakland.edu in the /pub/transformers directory has many Transformers related stuff. From the README file:
    This directory contains various material related to Transformers. For you engineering propellor heads, these are the Transformers from the animated television series and the popular toys from the mid 1980's, and NOT the transformers used in electrical circuits.

    rec.arts.comics FAQ
    If you can't get to ftp.hiof.no, and/or you just want the FAQ's, you can try to connect to rtfm.mit.edu, the directory is pub/usenet/news.answers/comics/faq. The files are:
    1. an introduction to the various comics related newsgroups
    2. a glossary of Usenet and r.a.c. terms
    3. the r.a.c. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    4. r.a.c. netiquette
    5. FTP sites with comics related files
    6. email and other net comics information resources
    7. comics mailing lists
    Note that this site is often overloaded and difficult to get on to.

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    Comic Images

    There are many places that have comic related images, here are some of them:
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    Suggestions? e-mail: