hide random home screenshot http://www.agron.missouri.edu/flyfishing (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Missouri Flyfishing Page

Missouri Flyfishing Page

The address for this server has changed to http://www.agron.missouri.edu/flyfishing. Please update your links accordingly.


This page will serve as a source for Missouri flyfishing information, both static (descriptions of locales) and dynamic (what's hatching this week). Persons with particular expertise in Missouri flyfishing are encouraged to join those who have already contributed information to the Missouri Flyfishing Page. Contact Denis Hancock for further information, or to submit material for inclusion.

First Online: 21 July 1994
Last Update: 20 March 1995


The Spring 1995 Missouri Flyfishing Conclave was held March 31 - April 2, 1995 at Maramec Spring Park.

Here's a photo with captions of the Wiz's Western Winter Conclave recently held on the South Platte in Colorado.

What's Available on the Missouri Flyfishing Page?

License information for Missouri
Humor, Prose, Book Reviews
Missouri Fly Fishing Organizations

Missouri Zoogeographical Map

Current Weather Conditions in Missouri (may be slow or unavailable at times)
The Weather Processor at Purdue University provides a more comprehensive source of weather information.

Internet Resources

For those with newsreaders, the following Usenet newsgroups contain relevant information to flyfishers:


The listserver at ukcc.uky.edu hosts a mailing list called FLYFISH. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@ukcc.uky.edu containing ONLY the following line:

subscribe flyfish Your Name

After you get back an acknowledgment, you can post to the list by sending your mail to flyfish@ukcc.uky.edu, but I would suggest reading the messages for a few days to get a feel for network etiquette if you a newcomer to the lists. Another tip is to send the following message to the listserv:

get listserv refcard

This will get a list of commands you can use to customize your options. One final tip -- all commands relating to your subscription go to listserv@ukcc.uky.edu and all messages to the Flyfish Digest List go to flyfish@ukcc.uky.edu

If you do not wish to subscribe, try this full-text gopher search of the Flyfish Archive. An alternate way to search these archives is through the Wais/WWW interface. Credit Joel Dunn for these valuable tools for tapping the collective wisdom of the FLYFISH listserv members.

Links to other flyfishing-related WWW pages:

Statistics for the Missouri Flyfishing Page
This page is maintained by: Denis Hancock
Index for The Missouri Flyfishing Page