(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
WWW VL: Literature/Authors
The home page for the World Wide Web Virtual Library: Literature is maintained at the
Internet Book Information Center
. Please use the "Recommended New Resources" button on
this form or mail to recommend additional resources for this page. For other subjects in the WWW Virtual Library, see the
Subject Index
at CERN.
Authors (General)
Particular Authors
Information about particular authors, including FAQs and author home pages, goes here.
- a page devoted to the environmentalist and novelist
Edward Abbey
Douglas Adams
Piers Anthony/Xanth fan page
(under construction)
Asimov FAQ
- Jane Austen
info page , including an annotated HTML
hypertext of PRIDE AND
PREJUDICE and hypertexts of LOVE AND
FREINDSHIP [yes, that spelling *is* correct!] and THE THREE
- Ian M. Banks
- Richard Bear's
Hakim Bey
David Brin
- Emma Bull and the Fabulous Lorraine Garland are The Flash
Girls, winners of the Minnesota Music Awards
FLOWS UPHILL) has a home page
- Lewis Carroll
- a
page devoted to Coleridge
- A mailing list devoted to Philip K. Dick is available by sending mail to
- The French novelist Marguerite Duras, whose novel THE LOVER (L'AMANT) was recently
made into a feature film
- The Karoline von
Guenderrode Pages are devoted to the
life and works of Karoline von Guenderrode (1780-1806), and apparently
are the only pages on the web devoted to a female German writer. These
pages include a small number of her works, two bibliographies (on
Guenderrode herself and on German women writers and intellectuals of
the Goethezeit in general), several textual excursi (complete with
footnotes and capsule bibliographies), and two maps of Germany from
the turn of the 19th century. Eventually, these pages may eventually expand into a larger series focusing
on German women intellectuals during the later eighteenth and early
nineteenth centuries.
- Arthur Conan Doyle--
Illustrated Holmes
Holmes booklist
- Todd Brendan Fahey--Wisdom's Maw--a novel about the CIA's MK-ULTRA experiments
- Home page devoted to Frank Herbert's
DUNE series
- Matt Hughes, author of a comic fantasy novel, FOOLS ERRANT (Prentice Hall Canada), has put the first chapter online
- Robert Jordan's
The Wheel of Time archive homepage
- Kipling, "The White Man's Burden", and its critics
- Tom Maddox: his LOCUS columns and his excellent cyberpunk novel HALO
- The Mercedes Lackey Information Page
- Anne McCaffrey's Pern: FAQ (parts
- the works and life of Lucy
Maud Montgomery, the Canadian author of the "Anne Of Green
Gables" books (among others), and the Kindred Spirits mailing list
The Daniel Keys Moran Web page includes
the first chapter
of his forthcoming book, The AI Wars (Bantam, August 1995). There is a continuing-time
mailing list, which can be joined by sending e-mail to [BTW--Go Blue!] with the word
"subscribe" in the body of the message. And there's a review of THE LAST DANCER
in the IBIC Journal.
Terry Pratchett: FAQ
- Thomas
- Steve Rimmer--author of books about computing
- French novelist and filmmaker
Alain Robbe-Grillet
- the Rupert Bear books and comics
- FAQ on E.E. "Doc" Smith and his terrific
Shakespeare Homepage
(URL corrected
Bruce Sterling home page
; there will soon be a review of his latest, HEAVY WEATHER in the IBIC Journal
- The
J.R.R. Tolkien
Information Page
- Mark Twain on the Philippines; Mark Twain Resources on the World Wide Web
- The Jack Vance Archive
- Roger Zelazny and his
Poetry (General)
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