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The Wheel of Time archive homepage

Welcome to the
Wheel of Time archives

This WWW page gives an interface to all the stuff archived on faser.cs.olemiss.edu, the official archive site for the Robert Jordan discussion in rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan.
For people in Europe, please use the secondary WWW site in Germany. Both sites usually have the same stuff, though by technical reasons the german site might be more up to date sometimes.


  • Faq
  • News
  • Humor
  • General Information
  • Lyrics
  • Surveys & Contests
  • Jordanites
  • Other useful WWW sites

  • The FAQ

    The most important document here is the Jordan FAQ maintained by Pam Korda. It contains those questions that are discussed currently or are considered as answered. It contains a lot of useful information, so if you still don't know it, read it now. But beware, the FAQ contains spoilers up to Lord of Chaos!

    The last FAQ from before Lord of Chaos came out is still accessible here. If you didn'T nread LoC yet, you might be interested in the pre-LoC FAQ. Note that it contains spoilers up to The Fires of Heaven and has a lot of invalid speculation.

    There are older versions of the FAQ that may contain additional information. These and other useful or humorous documents are available via anonymous ftp .

    If you like the HTML FAQs more than the ASCII versions, you can get them from the ftp site above and install them on your local machine. The several parts of the FAQ are archived using zip, a freely available archiver for many platforms.

    In addition there is a FAQ list for the most important things connected to our newsgroup, rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan. Please read this FAQ before posting.


    The separate news page was not a very good idea, at least in this form, so I converted it to a News section here.


    Besides the humor that can be found in the FAQ there are quite some humorous works available:

    Read the Dark One's Dictionary by Joe "Uno" Shaw and Bill "Fain" Garrett, a concise glossary on many important topics of RandLand.

    You want answers to many questions you never would have asked? You can find them in the Foolishly Asked Questions List (FAQE) by Michael Thompson

    Some foretelling on the future of Jordan on the net by Don Harlow.

    General Information

    Several people have compiled collections of known data on Randland and the story so far. A quite thorough compendium of the Old Tongue can be found as well as the Aiel Guide [still under construction] and a list of known people from the Two Rivers . Lately that many darkfriends could be found that they dared to make their application form available for all net.inhabitants.

    Right after the Great Hoax Tom McCormick received a letter from Robert Jordan. While people were more careful and had some doubts, it is probably authentic.

    There has been quite a discussion on military issues in The Fires of Heaven. You can read a list of armies that are known to be in Randland and a list of military movements in the forefield of Lord of Chaos

    Well, these are no hard facts. Courtenay Footman compiled a list of our loony pet theories, even we don't really believe in. If you look at Roy Navarre's submission to the contest on the Fires of Heaven, it wouldn't be the first ironic foreshadowing we did.


    When passing the honorable task of maintaining the most sacred of Net.Jordanites' documents the FAQ Dowager Erica dedicated this poem to the new FAQueen Pam. Ruchira Datta's trivia contest provoked Don Harlow to dedicate a song to Mistress Madwen . The Gleewoman in our midst, Erica, recordered Jak'o Shadows for us to hear.

    You can find more lyrics in the FAQ and in the Dark One's Dictionary

    Here you can find some Filk songs inspired by The Wheel of Time.

    Surveys & Contests

    The Surveys

    There have been two surveys of the Jordan readers on rec.arts.sf.written. They have been conducted by Judy Ghirardelli and John Novak. You can read the results of the more recent here or obtain it from the archive via anonymous ftp.

    The Contests

    Up to now there have been two contest on plotlines for not yet published books. The first contest was held in September 1993 and contained plotlines for The Fires of Heaven. It is really very funny to read it (e.g. if you want to know, where Sir MPS got his name, you should read it).
    As we all missed Perrin in The Fires of Heaven, there was the pressing question what happened to him meanwhile. This has been answered (?) in the Two Rivers Plot Contest.

    Here are the results of the Plots of Chaos contest.

    Jordanites - The Random

    Here is some stuff about the people who post on rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan. First of all here are some homepages of some posters. (no pictures here, so it should be accessible rather fast). Furthermore you'll find some pictures of single people and some pictures (partly with accompaning documentation) of signings and what is called Darkfriend Socials in the newsgroup. Look at them, if you like. If you want to commit pictures and/or more information, contact Viren (viren@faser.cs.olemiss.edu) or Helmut (Helmut.Geyer@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.de). You can even send pictures using snail mail and they will get scanned.

    Other interesting WWW pages for Jordanites

    There are many other interesting sites, but you can find most of them in the SF resource guide, so please look at it. Please tell me, if you know of pointers to sites we should include here. I appreciate any kind of feedback.

    I hope you enjoy reading!

    Helmut Geyer, Helmut.Geyer@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.de