hide random home screenshot http://riskweb.bus.utexas.edu/rmi/rmiweb.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

RMIWeb -- the UT-Austin Risk Management and Insurance World Wide Web (WWW) Server

Welcome to RMIWeb -- the UT-Austin Risk Management and Insurance World Wide Web (WWW) Server. The purpose of RMIWeb is to provide information regarding the programs and services offered by the Risk Management and Insurance faculty at the University of Texas at Austin.

This World Wide Web (WWW) server is "under construction". We currently have information on the following topics:

We plan to offer information on the following topics soon:

Other World Wide Web (WWW) Services

Go to ARIAWeb's Home Page
ARIAWeb is a World Wide Web (WWW) server that provides information concerning the programs and services offered to members and friends of the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA).

Go to RISKWeb's Home Page
RISKWeb is provided as an ancillary service of the RISKNet Internet mailing list by Professor James R. Garven. RISKWeb features archives consisting of working papers and teaching materials authored by the world's leading scholars in Risk Management and Insurance.

Please provide us with your comments, suggestions, complaints, etc. for this World Wide Web (WWW) Server by filling out our server comment form.

Last Updated 9/23/94.