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ARIAWeb -- The American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) World Wide Web Server

ARIAWeb -- The American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) World Wide Web Server

Welcome to ARIAWeb -- the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) World Wide Web (WWW) Server. The purpose of ARIAWeb is serve information concerning the programs and services offered to members and friends of the American Risk and Insurance Association. If you are interested in becoming a member of ARIA, here is an application form.

The program of the 1994 annual meeting of the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) can be viewed by clicking here.

ARIA periodically publishes a newsletter called the ARIA Forum. While we plan to continue distribute paper copies of the ARIA Forum to our membership, as of the May 1994 issue, the ARIA Forum will also be made available electronically via ARIAWeb. Click here to read the May 1994 issue of the ARIA Forum.

Although ARIAWeb is currently "under construction", we expect to significantly expand our offerings over the coming months. Click here for an important message and some further information from our current president, Harold D. Skipper, Jr.

What is the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA)?

We are the premier professional association of insurance scholars and other thoughtful insurance and risk management professionals. Through ARIA, members receive many valuable tools and opportunities for enlightenment, growth and education. Conferences, research papers, and recognition combine to make ARIA well worth joining.

Founded in 1932, the association's membership is comprised of academics, individual insurance industry representatives, and institutional sponsors. ARIA emphasizes research relevant to the operational concerns and functions of insurance professionals, and provides resources, information and support on important insurance issues. Our goals also include the expansion and improvement of academic instruction to students of risk management and insurance. To that end, we:

* Encourage research on all significant aspects of risk management and insurance;

* Communicate the findings of our research;

* Provide forums for scholarly discussion of risk management and insurance matters;

* Publish materials which contribute to the general purpose of the association; and

* Develop and maintain relations with other U.S. and international organizations with similar objectives and interests.

* Maintain a job database for terminally qualified academicians and professionals.

ARIA's ability to provide networking, information, and support on important insurance issues makes it a valuable organization to its members. Those provisions come from a variety of awards, publications, and conferences, including The Journal of Risk and Insurance, ARIA's Annual Meeting, and the annual Risk Theory Seminar. Click here to learn how to obtain more information about the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA).

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Please provide us with your comments, suggestions, complaints, etc. for this World Wide Web (WWW) Server by filling out our server comment form.

Last Updated 9/23/94.