(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
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The WMTADS server should help you determine an appropriate technology to treat waste streams.
Discovering WMTADS
This module describes WMTADS, lists our copyright regulations, details projects we're working on,
defines the acronyms we use, and describes us, the developers.
Adding/Searching DOE Technologies
The second module enables you to add your technology to the DOE catalog or search the catalog by location, status, or general process.
Using PEIS Decision Support Tools
Treatment system flowsheets and descriptions are located in this module.
Learning About Waste
The waste module describes waste facilities by state and discusses the Interim Inventory Report and Site Treatment Plans.
Analyzing Treatments
You can access treatment options for your waste using this module.
Giving Your Opinion
We appreciate your comments. Please use this module to complete our questionnaire.