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Located at the Global Change Data Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD

The Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) is a comprehensive source of information about Earth science, environmental, climate, and global change data holdings available to the scientific community throughout the world. The GCMD has been operational since 1989 and its holdings have grown to over 2,800 descriptions. The GCMD is the American Coordinating Node of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites' International Directory Network (CEOS IDN), with the European Coordinating node located at the ESA/ESRIN Earthnet Project Office in Frascati, Italy, and the Asian Coordinating Node located at the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) Earth Observation Center in Saitama, Japan. The GCMD is available to users through the Internet, supporting both ASCII and X-Windows interfaces, as well as WAIS queries through the World Wide Web. The GCMD is one of NASA's contribution to the interagency Global Change Data and Information System (GCDIS), which will coordinate and unite separate agency efforts involved in the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP).

Accessing The Global Change Master Directory

Users with access to Forms can query the GCMD and the GCMD WAIS server via the World Wide Web.

Access the Global Change Master Directory on the WWW

Users who do not have access to Forms can telnet to the GCMD as follows:

telnet GCMD.GSFC.NASA.GOV - login as "gcdir"

The CEOS International Directory Network and Other Directories

Access to the CEOS International Directory Network (IDN) Coordinating and Cooperating Nodes.


Global Change Master Directory News

Global Change Data Sources

Global Change Master Directory Documentation

Other Points of Interest

GCMD WWW Statistics

For assistance or information, contact the GCMD User Support Office:
Internet: gcmduso@gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov
Phone: (301) 441-4202; FAX (301) 441-9486

If you are interested in having your dataset described in the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), please contact:

John Scialdone - scialdon@gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov
Gene Major - major@gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov

Responsible NASA Official Lola Olsen -- olsen@gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov