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Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service Home Page

Welcome to the U.S. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service's (CSREES) World Wide Web server. CSREES is a partner with the Land Grant Universities in creating a national educational network pledged to meeting the country's needs for research, knowledge and educational programs related to food and agriculture sciences. To learn more about our agency, who we are and what we do, please select from the following menu (see also our QuickFinder menu):

Welcome Message from the Administrator
A statement from the agency administrator regarding the agency mission and reaffirming a commitment to National priorities, customer service, and diversity in the work force and programs.

Mission and Program Areas
A description of agency mission, vision, values, and goals. Describes the partnership relationship to the Land Grant College System and how this partnership relationship is translated into specific programs. Leads into detailed agency program planning documents and performance indicators.

About the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
A brief history of the agency and its programs; a description of the current organization; staff and office directories; tables of organization; budget summary.

Cooperative Partners in Research, Education, and Extension
Electronic pointers to institutions, networks and programs that form the cooperative working environment of the agency

News and Current Developments
A description of current events, program accomplishments, and changes in personnel not reflected in the more static planning and program documents of the agency and its partnerships.

An Information Locator for CSREES Programs
Indexes, guides, and searching tools to locate agency sponsored programs and information or information resources of special interest to agency customers and partners.

Other USDA Agencies & Programs
Indexes, guides, and searching tools to locate federally sponsored programs and information or information resources of special interest to agency customers and partners.

Federal Agencies
State and Local Government Information
A convenient entree to information available from Federal and state and local governments (or private sources) as a result of the National Information Initiative. These sections highlight information that will be of general interest to agency customers and partners.

The Internet Resource Guide
An introduction to the scope and utility of information available via the Internet from all sources. This section highlights information that will be of general interest to agency customers and partners.

Note: to find information about specific programs or information resources:

If you are unfamiliar with the agency, review the materials under "Mission and Program Areas". Pointers to specific program resources will be found in the detailed discussions of programs. If you know where a program resource is hosted, check under "Cooperative Partners...". You may also wish to use the "Information Locator" which has alphabetical and searchable indexes to all program resources. When you are comfortable with our information offerings you may wish to set a bookmark to our "Terse" or "QuickFinder" menus.

You may also send an Email question or comment on any topic to csrees@reeusda.gov

Additional Notices

Maintained by the CSREES webmaster Michael Spencer (mspencer@reeusda.gov)
Last revision date: 5/12/95.