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The Cygnus Group Home Page

Welcome to The Cygnus Group

The Cygnus Group Web site is designed to provide individuals and organizations with information regarding the most efficient and effective ways to reduce waste and conserve resources. Thus, the focus is on source reduction and reuse, rather than just recycling.

On site, you'll find current and back copies of our popular environmental newsletter, The ULS Report. You'll also find information on packaging, including a new study of packaging efficiency and other documents pertaining to packaging and waste reduction . All are published by Partners for Environmental Progress, also known as PEP.

This site also provides you with numerous pathways and resources leading to databases on related subjects as well as EPA data on waste prevention . It is constantly being revised and updated to make it as easy as possible for you to learn more about conservation and waste reduction/prevention.

We want to hear from you! Please let us know what you think of our information. Or, if you'd like us to add other resources, tell us that too.

Questions? Send e-mail to info@cygnus-group.com .