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Brought to you by The EPA and The ULS Report

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has asked The ULS Report to help distribute information about the WasteWi$e program. WasteWi$e is a voluntary partnership between the EPA and businesses, designed to reduce municipal solid waste. The focus is on:

  1. waste prevention,
  2. recycling collection and
  3. buying or manufacturing recycled products.

We are providing this information in two forms: ASCII text and PDF, or portable data format. PDF is a way for different computing platforms (PC, MAC, Unix) to share the same files. PDF files are snapshots of documents, kind of like GIF or JPEG visuals. It 's as if your computer printed an electronic sheet of paper on your screen.

By downloading and reading the PDF files, you'll be able to see the documents on-screen exactly as they appear in print. You'll also be able to print a copy, should you need to do so.

To read a PDF file you'll need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. It's free! If your browser isn't download-capable, you can also get it directly from ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/Acrobat.

Note to Mac users: PDF files will be downloaded as binary files. To open them, drop the file onto the Acrobat icon. If you attempt to open by clicking on them, you may get ASCII gibberish.

The WasteWi$e Endorser Program
This short flyer explains the program, its benefits and eligibility requirements. It's available in both PDF and ASCII .

Interested in joining? You can download either the PDF or ASCII Registration Form. There's also a PDF or ASCII brochure.

WasteWi$e Road Map
Here's a tip sheet on how to get involved and what you can do to participate. PDF or ASCII .

Waste Prevention
What is waste prevention? Why is it important? Learn the answers and find out what you can do to help. PDF or ASCII .

Facility Waste Assessments
A waste assessment is a systematic way to identify waste reduction opportunities. This tip sheet will provide information on waste assessment and help you start your own program. PDF or ASCII .

Buying or Manufacturing Recycled Products
This tip sheet explains the benefits of buying recycled materials and manufacturing new products using recycled content. It includes where to go for additional sources of information. PDF or ASCII .

Recycling Collection
What are the benefits of recycling? How does one set up a program? Will employees participate? Get the answers in this tip sheet. PDF or ASCII .

Other Related EPA Documents
We thought you might be interested in related EPA documents concerning solid waste and source reduction. You can peruse the 1994 MSW Characterization Update or get more information on WasteWi$e and reducing solid waste . You can also access the main EPA servers from here.

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